9. Pick And Choose

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"Congratulations. All of you made it out...somewhat...alive. Your next task is to find your way to the next room. The rooms on the other side of hall will lead you back to your own doors. The one directly across to yours belongs to you, except, you may have noticed there are only 5 doors. That's because Jungkook's room would be too easy to figure out, so he doesnt have a door and Taehyung didnt fall."

"That's so exclusive, man..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Figure out which door is safe to go through. You have 10 minutes."

"We can't go through mine. I had a maze." Namjoon said

"We cant use mine either. The water drained and now you would break your legs if you tried to jump to the hatch I used to get here." Jimin said

"Jimin-ah...are you ok?" Jin asked

"I'm as fine as I can be being trapped in a fucking room that shows us our worst fears." Jimin yelled.

"What about you, Hoseok hyung?" Taehyung asked

"Nope, unless you wanna be bitten by snakes."

"Eeee- are you ok??" Jimin asked

"Yeah. They were sleeping until I opened the door." Hoseok said.

"Ok...well, Yoongi hyung is kinda out of it so let's not take that chance with him. What about you Jin hyung?" Namjoon asked

"Mine...uh it should be safe." Jin said thinking about the poor lion he shot.

"Also, why is your door the only one shut?" Namjoon asked pointing to the doors they came out of.

"There are creepies in there..." Jin said shuddering.

"I see...well then looks like we're going through yours." Hoseok said

"What did you have to do?" Jungkook asked

"I had to choose to shoot a lion or get bitten by a venoms snake."

"Jesus...so there's a dead lion in there?" Taehyung asked

"Most likey." Jin said softly.

"Well, let's not hesitate. I wanna get out of here soon." Hoseok said standing and pushing Yoongi onto his back.

Jin opened his door slowly and winced at the lion across the room. It had completely bled out and the blood was spread across the floor still wet and fresh. The gun was still thrown on the floor where he left it.

"Jeez, hyung..." Taehyung mumbled.

The 6 of them walked quickly through the room, but Jin again stopped at the lion to pet it.

"I am so so sorry." He whispered to it.

His shoes had blood on them now but he didnt care.

"Come on, hyung." Namjoon called.

He hurried after the group and into the next room.

It wasnt the room he went into afterwards, it was a new room. It was completely empty with a single door on the side.

"Where are we...?" A soft voice said. "Why am I on Hoseok's back...?"

Hoseok lifted Yoongi up more on his back so he could see. The rest of them saw his bloodshot eyes and red, tired face.

"You passed out when Namjoon went to get you." Jin answered.

"Can you walk?" Hoseok asked putting Yoongi down.

He stumbled at first but then got his balance and walked normally.

"Sorry, Hobi." He said

"Its alright. I offered to carry you. I will continue if you still need it."

"No, no, I'm ok now. Just a little dizzy still."

"Hey, Yoongi hyung, what did you do in your first room?" Jimin asked

"Uhm...I put out a fire." Yoongi answered

"Wait, so the fire's gone?"

"I think so. It was when I left."

"We could've just went through that room and avoided seeing that poor lion!?!?" Jin yelled

"What-?" Yoongi asked

"Jin hyung killed a lion!" Jungkook said.

"WHAT!?" Yoongi yelled


"you really killed my kind, hyung. I'm so hurt." Yoongi said wiping a fake tear.

A voice was then heard again.

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