🌷Chapter 12🌷

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3 months later
Aliyah's POV

"what dress you you going to wear?"Anisa insist entering my office making me look up from my phone that was having a good conversation with Angelo.

Angelo and I are serious with this dating thing and so far only Anisa and Marco knows and they also on and off relationship .

So today their is a mafia/business ball and we obviously we're supposed to be their so now Anisa keeps insisting that we go shopping but I just keep saying I have a dress.

And I don't so this leaves me to say the only thing that will make her shut up.

"okay let's go dress shopping,and we are only going to take 2 hours"she let out a loud sequel and drag me to the car on the way I called Angelo and asked him to look after the kids.

Well now their Mafia are close to the the kids so it's trustable.

Time skip to 4 hours after.

It's been four hours and I only have 2 hours to get ready so I will leave the kids with Daisy and guards.

I walk up to my room and take a hot shower letting the water calm me down I knew it wasn't safe to be out tonight that's why I am transporting Daisy and the kids to the underground house it's in a place someone will less expect.

Under the police station,it the safest place away from the mafia world and I want then to be safe,I gave Daisy a untraceable phone so that she can call me when in trouble or anything else.

Not many people know about this it's only my trusted security around the place and outside the police station not noticeable and Anisa,Angelo and Marco.

I turn off the tap with a sigh,I really relaxed in there and now I am fresh and ready for the ball
I know that my kids are safe I moved them during shopping I called Anisa.

I don't know if Russo have people watching when we leave or whatever so it's better safe then sorry.

After putting on my makeup and body lotion I grab the curler and take a quick glance at the time to see I how 45 minutes left to arrive at the ball.

Because it's a ball Angelo and Marco and Anisa are coming too because of the mafias so I decided that we will all go together and in a couple pair.

Once finished curling my hair I put on my dress and jewelry and look at myself in the mirror

Once finished curling my hair I put on my dress and jewelry and look at myself in the mirror

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(her outfit for the night)

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(her outfit for the night)

Are a few minutes in the mirror I start  cleaning up my room and place stuff in the correct place.

Once I'm satisfied with my look and with my clean room I grab my purse and slide in my 3 guns one in the holster by my knee and the other one in my bra the 3rd on the side of my shoe.

And five throw knives some on the my shoes another one in my bra handle I put the cover on so it doesn't hurt me and one if my rings on each hand is laser so that is I am tied up I can get out,you know how.

(the throw knives )

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(the throw knives )

Once ready I open my room door and step out being greeted by Davina my personal security guard who was joining us tonight for extra protection.

"Hello boss, you look stunning"Davina compliment with a small smile and nod.

"Well thanks,you don't look to bad yourself,now where are the other we have 30 minutes and it's a 27 minute drive the limo will be here any second? "I am not a lady that likes being late or early I come on time for the grand entrance😈.

"Well boss they are down stairs waiting for us they just went down now!"Again with the small smile I swear this girl is crazy she must just smile on once.

I give her a small nod and start leading the way down the stairs and look up to find everyone staring at me with wide eyes and mouths a gap.

"You,you look beautiful!"Angelo compliments breathless causing a light blush to form on my face,i just don't understand how he is the only guy in ages to make me blush.

We spoke about our pasts together and that caused us to know more about each other so he knew about my first love but still accepted the kids open handed.

"True"Anisa and Marco say before Anisa gushes to me and squeeze me in a bear hug.

"Can't... breathe... please... "I managed to choke out and finally she let's me go,thanks god.

"okay if we don't leave now then we will be late which I hate and so on now let's go"i smile hugging Angelo and grabbing his arm in mine.

well ball her we come...


hey well hoped you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next one because it is going to be nice

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