Eyes Of An Angel

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After Tee dropped the girls off up Chelten Ave , he gave her his extra hand gun he had in the glove department.

"Call me if you need me Haj seriously" Tee said with a grim look.

Hajjah nodded and smirked as she took the girls bags out the trunk. She walked around to the drivers side as Tee rolled down the window.

"Ill be fine. For you to not be my nigga you sure do worry a lot" She stated as she kissed his cheek and walked away.

He didn't like how she wouldn't let him drop her off at a safe and exact location. She was so secretive but yet could handle her own. He never understood it but he knew he could possibly love her. Tee thought if he could stick around long enough he can mold her. Hajjah wasn't ready for commitment and he knew that. He knew not to step on her toes. As bad as he wanted sex, he wanted a shot too. More than being an on call ass nigga.

*It doesn't hurt to keep trying because sooner or late imma know how sweet that pussy really is* Tee thought to his self as he licked his lips thirsty for sexual gratification.

Hajjah, Bella and Ally walked down Benton St towards her friend Shayla's House. She always looked out for her when she needed a babysitter. She walked up a little before Tee pulled up to grab Moo for her. Hajjah knew she could do anything in these streets. Fuck whoever, do whatever but it would never involve her son. No matter who she talked to she never bought them around Moo. He meant everything to her and she couldn't allow her self to expose to him anybody at all. Truth be told she never understood how females be doing smut shit in front of their kids. Bella walked up Shayla's steps knocking on the door as Hajjah and Ally walked up behind. It was a unlocking sound before Shayla's beautiful face appeared through the door.

"Heyyyyyyyy Bitchhhhhhhhhh" Shayla yelled before throwing her arms around Hajjah's neck kissing her cheek. Hajjah hugged her tightly kissing her cheek back.

"Heyyyyyyyy Pretty girl what yall doing mommy here?" Hajjah smiled walking into the house. Bella and Ally sat on the couch as Moo and a big German Shepperd appeared from the kitchen.

"OHHHHHHHH FUCKK....." Ally screamed.

"NOOOOOOO sis get this big ass dog" Bella yelled behind Ally.

"I don't do dogssssss Shaylaaaaaaaaaa" Bella cried jumping up from the couch towards the door. Hajjah and Shayla looked at each other and started to burst into laughter as Bella and Ally freaked out over the dog.

"Come on Scarlet" Shayla laughed making dog sounds to get her to come into the kitchen.  Scarlet rested her nose into Moo's hand before walking away. Hajjah started to walk upstairs before turning around towards the girls laughing,

" That's a shame because 3 year old Moo not even scared of that damn dog but here yall go yooooo" Hajjah bursted into laughter after walking up the steps towards Shayla's room. Once she got in there she fell right on the bed kicking her sneakers off. She moved the pillow under her head when she noticed two pink pregnancy test under it. Hajjah got up briskly examining the test up close.

" I know my friend not pre..." Hajjah yelled before Shayla came in the room wide eyed slamming the door.

" Pregnant" She whispered. She grabbed the test out Haj's hand and flopped down on the bed. She was going tell Haj soon but everything was still unwrapping for her. She moved towards Hajjah and took her hand into her hands and whispered,

"Sis you can't tell anyone, I swear I just found out this morning when I got Moo from you" She said.

" I know how you get when you do not know shit" Shayla chuckled. Hajjah squeezed her hand tightly inside Shaylas' looking her deep into her eyes.

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