You Blowing My Shit

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Hajjah and Shayla were speed walking, it took them literally four mins to get to Ab's trap block. Hajjah was smirking and silently laughing to herself, seeing how mad Shayla was. She licked the ends on her dutch closed and tripped Shayla with her foot.

"Now bitch, you know i ain't even in the mood!", Shayla said trying to keep her mad face on, laughing. She nudged Hajjah on her arm, now cracking up.

"'cause what if I really would have fell?" Shayla smirked. Hajjah lit her dutch and inhaled deeply, trying to not laugh at Shayla. She blew the smoke in her face and Shayla opened her mouth to catch it, laughing so hard with tears coming out her eyes.

"Bitch fuck youuuu!", Hajjah screamed in laughter.

"Who catches the smokeeeeee?" she laughed. Shayla wiped her eyes and pointed at herself.

"Me bitch, now come on. Stop playing, def tryna catch this pussy slipping.", Shayla laughed then getting serious, spiting a razor out her mouth. Hajjah's eyes lit up and she got serious because she knew Shayla was not playing. If she walked up on Ab and some girl was in his face, let's just say he's going be the Ab with the black eye and the split face. Hajjah knew Shayla was one not to play with at all. So when that razor came out faster then you can say "Wassup", you knew what was going on.
"Sis you need one?" Shayla asked with a smirk and her eye raised towards Hajjah. She turned her head towards Shayla and unzipped her fannypack, showing Shayla her Ruger LCP. Tee always had her when it came to protection.

"Girl, you disrespectful as shit. Since when?" Hajjah blurted out in laughter as they approached the top of the blocked. Shayla return the laugh followed by a look that made you think Jesus himself was in front of us. Shayla started taking off down the block towards Ab. Once Hajjah got wind of what was going on, she saw the girl Ab was with was running towards them! Haj pulled her strap out and start waving it towards the girl and she slowed her running up.

"He just my friend, i don't want no issues at all!" the girl shouted. Haj cocked her shit with a raised brow twisting the gun around in her hand, instructing the girl to turn back around. She can see Shayla running around the car trying to fuck Ab up as he is laughing in her face, yelling for her to chill.

"Look he don't even care if you get fucked up right now miss mamas and you running? Save me the hassle and get your dumb ass back down there!" Hajjah smirked. Her and the girl walked towards Ab & Shayla as Haj pointed her gun towards Ab's direction.

"Sis watch out, lemme hit him in his fucking thigh! Running from a whole girl. You did your dirt bitch now sit here and deal with it". Hajjah said. Ab stopped running to pay attention to Hajjah, not even realizing Shayla was right on his tracks.

Yo this bitch is crazy as hell. Ab thought to himself as Shayla punched him directly in his face.

Hajjah looked towards the girl and noticed throughout the mist of all, that bitch dipped off. Hajjah started cracking up to herself as she just replayed that whole situation. Bitch said not me, not today, over this nigga. Hajjah thought to herself as she put her strap back in her fanny pack. Shayla walked towards Haj smirking throwing her razor into the sewer.

"I cut him a little bit by accident! Come on sis, we out." Hajjah looked back at Ab holding his pinky finger getting up from the ground, trying to keep up with Shayla.

"Shay come the fuck here yo... bitch i'm bleeding and you joking?" Ab blurted out in agony. He picked up his pace before Shayla spinned around so fast with another razor.

"Leave me the fuck alone before it be your neck next, I know that little dirty bitch who was out here too. Watch me walk around Arch st and give her the same treatment." Shayla said calmly walking back towards Ab. He backed up a bit, shaking his head. Ab took his polo tshirt off and wrapped it around his finger, backing up to rest on the car.

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