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"Myyyyyyyyy loveeeeeeeee, do you ever dreammmmmm of candy coated rainnnnn drops?" Hajjah sang her favorite old school song as she got ready for school. Walking over to the broken mirror she had up on the dresser, she put her thick, curly hair in a single pony tail. Looking through the dirty clothes, she put on her favorite jeans. They were getting too small but she still pulled them over her thick hips . Hajjah was already built for her age, thighs for days. It was the middle of October and she just hit 16 this summer. She felt like the shit. So she know she was the shit. You can tell from the front that her ass was fat in the back. Every time she walked, her ass slightly jiggled from side to side. Her cuff was so deep under her ass, hating ass bitches always say it's fake. Every old head in the hood could never keep their eyes off of her. She was 4'9 in height, pretty big brown eyes, dark brown hair, big breasts that gave her body a uhmp to it and nice curvaceous hips that swung every time she walked. Niggas in the hood knew not to try her though because no matter where she walked or who she talked to, her brother Dee was always around ready to buss anything down for his little sister. They were two of the six kids that her mom had. It was Richard, Dee, which was short for Derrick, Hajjah, Bella, Allyson and Ramone.

"Allllllllllyyyyyy", Hajjah yelled as she looked for her school bag.

*I will not be staying at the G all day, I got shit to do*, Hajjah thought to her self as she pushed her sister's door opened.
"Y'all dont hear me calling y'all? I gotta go take Maj to mommy. I'm already running late, i'm not gonna be able to get my trizzy for next week." Hajjah said. Ally got up with a dreadful look on her face.
"Your trizzy? Mommy not here. She left like 5 this morning, said she would be back by 6. I been calling her and she not answering still" she said.

"Girl you acting slow, my transpass! Don't y'all got one?..Wait what the fuck you mean she not here? She know she was suppose to watch him, the fuck." Hajjah threw her book bag down pissed, calling her mom back to back and getting the same results. *you have reached....*

Semaj ran up to his mom in a hurry, kissing her on her cheek. Maj always knew when he toddled up to his mom , she'd return the same amount of love plus more. He always knew what to do to make her feel better. Hajjah threw her phone on the bed, forgetting she was even mad. She gripped her son up into a tight hug. Hajjah had Semaj when she was 13. She never thought she would've got pregnant. Everything was ok though because having him so young was like having a bestfriend. They went through everything together. He never missed a beat and she gave him her all like it wasn't nothing. Nobody taught her how to love. Nobody taught her how to care for somebody. Hajjah knew she had to protect this little person forever. She refused to let the world fuck his life up like it did hers. Semaj was her boy forever .

"Ard, well listen.." Hajjah got up and grabbed her bag. "Y'all keep a eye on Majjy until i get back, i really need this transpass and this bitch just blew my shit." Hajjah yelled.
Allyson shook her head as Hajjah left out the door. Bella flipped the covers back off her head and looked at Ally, " I feel like it's about to be some shit today man, where is mommy? "

Hajjah slammed the door on the way out, steaming that her mom ditched them early this morning to go do God knows what . Deep in her soul she knew what her mom was up to. She knew that she was out hitting the fucking pipe. That glass dick would come first every time it came to her and her siblings. Hajjah wiped the tears out the corner of her eyes as she slowly dragged her feet to the K bus stop .


Tia ripped the plastic off the $10 pack she got from Man Man and his crew so hard, she bit her lip. She looked around on the floor and in her bag for her lighter and threw the crack rocks in glass tube she had. She lit the bottom of it until the thick cloud smoke filled her lungs. Tia fell back into the dirty furniture of the neighborhood crackhouse, her eyes was glassy and big. *thats some good shit, exactly what i been missing * she thought to herself.

*cause you earneddddddd it, earned earned it* Tia's phone rung again and again and again. She had 37 missed calls from Hajjah and Ed. Ed was her youngest son, Ramones', father. She knew he was no good for her but that was the only place that she felt good enough . Tia kept telling herself she was going to get better, she kept telling herself that she wanted more for her kids and herself. For the past year, she lost major weight and her beautiful features she once had were no longer there. Tia use to to be a stallion. Thick ass hips and had ass for days. Beautiful ass smile and one dimple in her right cheek. Everything she wore, you saw her pussy print through, made you wonder if that pussy was good . Her ass stuck out from the side like the letter P, period. She had a nice hour glass shape and small breast. Tia also had a foul, vicious ass mouth on her but niggas loved that shit. A lot of girls envied her because the corner boys wanted her but she was so cocky, she always turned them down. Long jet black hair always fell evenly below her bra strap, she had nice full lips and a gold tooth that always drove them crazy when she smiled. After she met Ed, she started falling off bad. She stopped taking care herself, started looking bummy and ain't care who saw her. When the system took her kids, she really lost it. Her and Ed was fighting almost everyday. Tia said she would get it together for her babies but when Hajjah came back into the picture, she half assed got herself clean. She passed one piss test and end up getting Bella, Allyson, and Ramone back. Once DHS was out her life, she went right back into old habits. Tia thought she was strong enough to fight them demons off but eventually they came back, snatching what little she had left in her. Tia got up brushing her legs and butt up of the couch, wiping her tears from old memories she forces out her head. She thought to herself *i gotta get home

fuck they keep calling me for

Tia grabbed the glass tube and took another hit and sat back down falling back into her thoughts.


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