Stay W/ Me Baby...

16 0 0


Hajjah laid in the bed hooked up to an IV machine and a mask over her face. She was dizzy, confused and her head was throbbing. She tried to turn her head but her neck jerked causing her to scream out in pain.

"FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK what the fuck happened to me yo?" Hajjah tried to lift her upper body slowly from the bed trying to get a good look at what was around her. It was a white curtain between her and another patient and she could hear the doctors conversing with each other.

Both are African-American females, ages 16 and 15. One suffered a concussion after what appears to be a hard blow to the front of the head. Female number two is 7 weeks pregnant. She suffered from a GSW to the lower left section of her hip. The bullet went in clean and came out her clean. From the officer's notes in the system, it appears they were in a shoot-out. Sad, but amazing she sustained a clean bullet wound out of 154 bullet casings.

Hajjah tried to slide out of the bed while peeking around the curtain and noticed it was Shayla connected to the machine in the other space. She started to cry as they had her hooked up to all the tubes, connected to her belly. The only thing that she could think of is her unborn niece or nephew and if everything was ok.

" Hellooo? Can someone come in here please, I'm having a hard time getting up and I don't know what's going on!" Hajjah yelled. She slid out the bed some more while pulling back the curtain. The doctors and the nurse turned around, shocked as they looked at Hajjah's bloodshot eyes. She looked at them like they were crazy because nobody rushed to her aid but instead was looking at her like she was speaking another language. She forced her way passed them and dropped down to her knees on the side of Shayla's bed. Hajjah wiped Shayla's forehead and turned back towards the doctors.

" What's going on with my sister and her baby?" Hajjah said in an unpleasant voice. The head doctor in charge motioned for everybody else to leave the room. She put her clipboard down and pointed to the empty chair on the side of the bed. Hajjah sat down in the chair still holding her chest to ease the pain. She wanted to know what was going on and why didn't nobody tell her anything. The doctor sat on the end of the bed and looked Hajjah right in her eyes.

"Baby your sister is fine and so is her baby. I'm not suppose to be telling you this because you're a patient and also a minor but I know how anxious you must be." She started off saying to Hajjah trying to calm her down. Hajjah looked at the doctor and then at her badge and read her name. 

"No disrespect Ms. Fields but I don't care about me and my injuries or whatever please cut to the point is my sister waking up soon?" Hajjah asked with a puzzled look. Dr. Fields looked at Hajjah with the most calming eyes and shook her head yes. Hajjah smiled while getting up to walk over to Shayla's side. 

" Sis we gotta get the fuck out of here baby. Idk what the fuck going on but what the fuck" She whispered in her ear. 

"The baby is good sister I almost lost it. Get up please please please please" Hajjah softly cried.

Dr Fields picked up her clip board and started to read from it again. 

" She also got hit by one of the stray bullets. It went through clean and came out clean. We stitched her up a bit and pumped her with fluids. Baby is also fine. Strong heartbeat and no type of injuries to mom's belly. She's super strong but you..." The doctor was cut off by Hajjah's ring tone. She looked down at her phone and noticed it was her mom calling. 

Ain't this some shit... this bitch would call huh? 

Hajjah thought to her self as she swipe the green button over. 

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