Forget Cha

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Hajjah flipped through her Victoria secret magazine stuck in a dazed as she waited for her mom. She called her over 100 times today and she was fed up. She never understood her mother's love addiction to crack cocaine. Hajjah was annoyed with the fact that her mom loved that shit more than her own kids. She adored her son and her main priority was to always protect him. She didn't know what type mom she had , but she knew it was a mom she would never be. Bella and Ally came into the room, looking better now that they ate and watched a little tv at her friend house.
"You guys ok? We gonna go home in a little bit." Hajjah asked with a raised eyebrow.
Bella took out her android as it rung and declined the call.
"Yeah sis, we cool." She stated, walking over to Ally. Ally moved over so Bella can sit in between her and Hajjah.
"Do you think she coming back?" Ally asked with a sad look. Hajjah looked up with a blank face before it turns into a cold stare. It hurt that she had to explain shit to her siblings when she still was trying to find understanding herself.

"Crackheads never change. They go and get the next fix, disappear and come back home wanting to change" she said.
Ally looked upset and walked out the room. Bella shook her head as she carefully followed behind her closing the room door. Hajjah was frustrated that her sister was upset with her for just speaking the truth. She always tries to shield them from the real lifestyle their mom has, but it never works for too long. She got up, grabbed her book bag and was getting ready to go when Tee opened the door. He looked puzzled to why she was gathering her belongings. They just got to his house not long ago. Tee sat down on the side of the bed, pulling Haj by the hips towards him. He grabbed her bag and sat it on the side of him. "Damn you leaving so soon baby, you just got here." He said with a stern look. Hajjah moved his hands off her hips and picked her bag back up, looking at him with a blank stare.
"And now I'm leaving Tee, I got to see you later" she said.

"Also you just keep touching on my legs and hips, chill out with that shit."

Tee chuckled to himself again, grabbing her hips but this time stroking her breast. He grabbed her nipple really hard through her shirt, smirking. Hajjah, this time wrapping her hands around his neck,
"You don't listen? You don't catch vibes? Ohhh, you thought cause i was upset & let you buy a little small fry, you was getting some ass?" Hajjah let his neck go.

"Don't reach out to me, you blew it."

She got up grabbed her bag and her phone. Looking over at Tee, who looked like his whole pride been shattered. He got up and walked over to her.

"Don't cut me off Hajj, ok? Sorry. I should've never touched you like that." He said with his face flustered.

Hajjah looked down at her hands fiddling with the zipper on her jacket and then looked up at Tee.

"I don't like that and if you gonna fuck with me know that I move on my time, not yours. That shit not ok. Next time it's not gonna be me being this nice." She said coldly with her head tilted, looking him right in his eyes.

Tee smirked at her. * She pretty as hell when she mad. I wish she shut up and stop being so mean* He thought. He walked over to the door opening it for her.

"Ok Hajjah, I understand and I'm sorry boo boo. Do you need anything before you go?" He asked digging in his pockets.

Hajjah put her index finger on her lip but before she can say anything Tee gave her six fresh crisp $100 bills. Smirking Hajjah kissed him on the cheek as she started to walk down the steps.
"Thanks boo boo" she said cracking up.

Ally and Bella peeked around the corner to see what Hajjah was laughing at when they seen the money in her hand. Ally smirked and started to walk towards Bella with her hand out and when Hajjah seen it, she started to crack up laughing.

"OMG I hate y'all. What are you going do with a whole $100 bill?" Hajjah said jokingly.
Ally snatched a few of the bills out Hajjah hand and ran out the door.
" You'll see what we going do." She yelled.
Bella and Hajjah started running after Ally laughing as she ran around the car doing the tootsie roll with the money. Tee walked over to his car starting it from the keys, picking up Hajjah bags when he noticed a heavy set male walking towards them. Hajjah peeped the man too and when he got closer, she noticed it was Ed. Her face got red even though her skin was cocoa butter  brown.

"Just tryna figure out why you here, scrap?" Hajjah questioned him with her face balled up.

"Why do you got my kids out all late?" Ed said walking close to Hajjah. Tee moved his car back into the garage once he sensed something was wrong. He took the keys out and told the girls to go back in the house and fix them something to eat or grab some snacks before they left. Ally and Bella smiled at him with their eyes.

"Can we have the food you cooked for Hajj?" Bella asked. Ally walked up the steps and locked eyes with Tee.

"Yeah she don't trust people so she not going eat your cooking, sorry. " Ally said in a joking manner but she was serious. Tee nodded as he closed and locked the door behind them and walked back to the car grabbing  something out.

"Your kids? Pussy, you a crackhead like my mom. " Hajjah said smirking giving Ed the middle finger.

"Fag bag, they wont never be yo.." Ed smack Hajjah so hard her lip started to bleed. Tee creeping up behind seen Hajjah fall,  pulling his gun out pointing it at Ed's head.

"Go head and move pussy so I can put one in your skull" Tee spat out. Ed realized Hajjah wasn't by herself and stood down.  He stood there looking at Hajjah for a few seconds before realizing that this dude was with her.

"Make ya little friend put the gun down for I make him do it myse...." Ed started before getting punched in his lips. Tee kicked Ed in his mouth once he hit the ground, constantly punching him everywhere. Kicking him everywhere. This 300lb man was getting the works handled to him after he just walked up so tough.
Apple Cherry Pie....
Hajjah thought to herself as she watched Ed's mouth and nose gush in amusement. She never really liked Tee because he was much older than her, but he always came when she needed him. Hajjah was 16 and he was at least 30. She never really cared to get to know him because she knew she was never fucking him. He was just stupid to stick around not getting anything in return. She like to use niggas for what they got. Right now, it was "Tee Time" so watching him whoop Ed ass in front of her was so racy, she sat back and smirked licking her lips as her and Tee eyes locked. He kicked Ed in the face one last time before picking up Hajjah belongings and motioning for her to go to the car. Ed was yelling out saying threats of how he was going whoop her ass when they heard sirens. Tee threw Hajjah bags in the back seat running to the house to grab the girls.
"Let's go babe we got to go NOW. I'm strapped Hajj!" Tee yelled putting the car in park, he beeped the horn and the girls ran out the house.

"WE SAW EVERYTHING!" Ally yelled. She didn't like Ed but he was fucked up on the ground crying out in agony.  Bella mugged Ally in the car and getting instantly perturbed at her response. Ed was a fucked up person. Him and their mom always got high, he would beat her up and she would leave. Bella hated Ed, so she was glad he was on he ground half dead.

"All those times he treated us like shit, girl fuck him. Allyson, shut the fuck up" She screamed.

Hajjah ran back over to Ed, kicking him in his stomach. When he rolled over in pain, she ran his pockets and took two knots of money out and a black zip lock bag.
"Fuck you, pussy. You ain't doing shit." She yelled, running back to Tee's car.

As soon as he pulled off, he seen a cop car riding pass him. He smiled as he turned away as he saw another cop pulling up on Ed in his rearview mirror. Busting a right on Germantown Ave, left on Rittenhouse, he was no where in site. Hajjah smirked to herself as they rode down the back block. Thinking to herself in a daze as she opened the black zip lock bag she swiped.
"Damn this gotta be some XO" she said.
*Yeah motherfuckers gonna know when I'm coming through. Sleep on me now. Imma wake y'all up starting with you first Tia * She thought to herself * This is only the beginning*

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