Chapter XIX

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(Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Transformers. Any pictures or videos used don't belong to me.) 

Lockdown: Jinn

Everything freezes in place except everyone in the ship. Neo, Cinder, and Sienna look outside to see all the Grimm and Atlas ships frozen in place. The Lamp floats in the air as a blue figure starts forming in front of them. 

Jinn: Tell me, What knowledge do you seek? I am Jinn. A being created by the God of Light aid humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every 100 years. Your in luck as I'm still able to answer one question this era. 

Jinn looks around and spots Lockdown. 

Jinn: Lockdown, brother of Salem. Its nice to finally meet you in person. 

Cinder: Lockdown, how did you know the way to activate the relic. 

Lockdown: That is none of your business Cinder. 

Sienna: Ruby Rose told you didn't she. 

Lockdown ignores Sienna. Cinder growls when hearing that name. 

Lockdown: What is Salem hiding from me?

The surroundings change to the inside of a castle. Lockdown immediately recognizes the place. Salem and Ozma could be seen fighting, but Ozma is seen protecting his Daughters at the same time. Salem on the other hand kept attacking. 

Ozma manages to knock Salem back. 

Ozma: Girls get out of the Castle and find your uncle. 

The frighten girls nod and runs towards the exit. Salem attacks again but Ozma reflects the attack causing damage to the castle. Ozma keeps reflecting the attacks not realizing the castle starting to collapse. 

Ozma: Stop this please Salem. You are putting our daughter in danger. 

Salem: I don't care. They will just be a reminder of the man who betrayed me. 

Salem and Ozma launch their final attack and a bright flash happens. Everyone is shown how Salem lied to the Kingdoms and created her army to combat the gods. The next moment is a surprise to Cinder, Neo and Sienna. They witness Lockdown getting killed by Salem when attempting to reason with her about the attack on the gods. 

The surroundings change to Salem talking to Ruby. But only one sentence effects Lockdown. 

Salem: Lockdown is just a pawn. Pretending to care about him is something I learned to perfect. As long as he is useful, I won't end him. But, once he has finally done his job, he will be eliminated.

Their Surroundings change back to normal. Sienna notices Lockdown expression. 

Sienna: Lockdown.

Lockdown: I dedicated my life to protecting Salem. But, Everything was nothing but a LIE. 

Lockdown punches the ground in anger but soon falls to his knees when realizing what's he done. 

Lockdown: All the lives I've taken. Everyone I killed. Thought I was doing the right thing by eliminating them to protect her. But, I spilled Innocent blood. 

Lockdown clenches his fist and Stands up with an angered expression. 

Lockdown: I'm going to kill her. I don't care that she is immortal, she will pay. 

Cinder: So that's your plan, to Betray her. 

Lockdown faces Cinder.

Lockdown: Don't do this Cinder.

Cinder creates a Blade and stabs it into the side and blows it up. A hole is created that Cinder uses to escape. Lockdown attempts to stabilize the ship to land it safety. Sienna and Neo hold on to the closest thing near them. 

(With Oscar)

Oscar: So what now Ozpin. 

Ozpin: I suggest finding Team RWBY and JN-

Oscar looks up when hearing people panic as a ship crashes down. Oscar doesn't recognize the ship but Ozpin does. 

Ozpin: That Lockdown's ship but this shouldn't be possible. 

Oscar watches as Neo and Sienna exit the ship with minor injuries. 

Oscar: Wait she is the one that took the relic. 

Ozpin: Let me take control then. I will recover the relic. 

Oscar agrees and lets Ozpin take control. 

 Ozpin approaches the ship. Neo immediately recognizes Oscar and prepares herself to fight, but Sienna stops her. 

Sienna: Not now. Look whoever you are, we aren't looking for trouble. 

Ozpin: Then return the relic that you stole. 

Ozpin catches the relic of Knowledge as its thrown to him. Ozpin watches as Lockdown exits the ship. 

Lockdown: Consider it our first step to stopping Salem. 

Ozpin: What?!


This marks the end of the chapter. Also everyone was probably expecting a longer chapter but honestly, i wasn't going to write 2k words again. So i shorten it. Expect my Sentinel Prime story update next. 

Until next time, peace. 

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