Chapter VIII

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(Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Transformers. Any pictures or videos used don't belong to me)

Lockdown groans in pain. He tries to sit up but his whole body starts to hurt. He also notices he doesn't have his armor on. He tries to remember what happened. 

Lockdown: The Silver eye warrior. 

???: You are correct brother. 

Lockdown looks towards the door to see Salem standing there. Lockdown also notices her frown. Lockdown signs knowing Salem to scold him. 

Salem: The plan went smoothly except for a few things. Cinder gained the Fall maiden powers but she lost an eye and an arm. 

Lockdown: That shouldn't of happened. 

Salem: But it did thanks to the Silver eye girl. But I still don't know how it affected you. 

Lockdown stays silent causing Salem to narrow her eye at Lockdown. 

Salem: What haven't you told me brother. 

Lockdown: Unlike your immortality that was given to you by the God of light. My was given to me by the God of Darkness. 

Salem's eyes widen at this. 

Salem: That why the Silver eyes affected you. 

Lockdown: Most likely. 

Salem: Wait, but when was it given to you. 

Lockdown: A week after you got yours. Do you know how painful it was to know I wouldn't be able to see my sister in the afterlife. 


Lockdown stays silent. 

Lockdown: Salem all my life I made sure to keep my abuse a secret. To protect you from the horrors of this world. I failed when you found out in your 15th birthday about my Abuse. 

Lockdown forces himself out of bed ignoring all the pain he is currently feeling. Lockdown gets to his armor and puts it on. The armor on his right arm missing thanks to the fight he had with Pyrrha. 

Lockdown: After you got your immortality, I went to the God of Darkness and asked for immortality. I still remember the smirk he gave me when I asked. He gave me my wish. From their, I promised myself to protect you no matter the cost. But I still failed. 

Salem: What do you mean, you failed. 

Lockdown: When Ozma came back, I felt that something was wrong. Should of know I was right. You had your four daughter. Once again, my little sister was happy. So I let the bad feeling go.

Salem frowns when lockdown expression turns into a scowl. 

Lockdown: But when I came back to the destroyed castle. I rushed to search for my four nieces. I found the youngest, asking for her mother. 

Salem: One of them was still alive.

Tears start dripping from Salem's face. 

Lockdown: I found her dying slowly. She had been hit from a stray shot during your battle with Ozma. All I could do was watch as her life faded from her eyes as she smiled at me. 

Salem regained her composure. 

Lockdown: Salem, As long as live nobody will hurt you the way Ozma did ever again. Even if I somehow die, I will die protecting you. 

Salem only watches as Lockdown leaves the room. 

Salem: It's also my job to protect you brother. 

(With Pyrrha)

Pyrrha is finally out of the hospital. She was told to take it easy since she isn't fully healed yet. But her mind goes back to her fight with Lockdown. How she was able to push him back and destroy his armor with her semblance. 

Pyrrha sits on a bench and lifts her weapon with her semblance. Her minds goes to her friends knowing what would happen if she failed to defeat Lockdown next time. She had a feeling Lockdown was holding back. 

Pyrrha: I will protect my friends. Even if it kills me. Lockdown, I won't let you touch my friends. 

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