The CAS (Germany POV)

Start from the beginning

Mr. EU gave me an approving nod when I finished, "I couldn't have said it better."

Poland kicked me under the table, "Stop being such a teacher's pet," he teased.

"As second year students, you are able to begin this course that will decide whether you are showered in fame and respect, or ridiculed for the rest of your life," Mr. EU continued, "However, I will not be instructing you. Our special guest here will-"

The door burst open with a loud bang and interrupted Mr. EU. A new man I had never seen before marched into the classroom.

He had dark blue skin, cropped army styled hair and alert, calculating, royal blue eyes. He wore a black muscle shirt, camo pants and black combat boots. A white compass rose stood out against his dark skin. He cleared his throat and bellowed in a loud voice, " You may call me NATO and I will be your instructor for this program. I expect you all to give your all because I don't tolerate slackers. Do I make myself clear? Good. Remember that when you begin, both your honor and the Academy's reputation is on the line. I am here to make sure you don't make fools out of yourselves."

The weight of his words destroyed all the hope and cheer from the room. Mr. EU winced slightly and shot the oblivious NATO an irritated look.

"You're early... NATO," he grimaced, "What a... unique introduction you have given."

"Well, introductions are great and all but I'm ready for some action! Right kidos?" he called, "Alright! Go change into your sportswear and meet me in the back!"

When he said "meet me in the back," he meant in the giant modern colosseum in the back of the woods behind the school.

"Holy cow...," Poland whispered, mesmerized by the grand structure.

"Great observation my friend," I chuckled which earned me a wing to the face.

Mr. NATO was waiting for us in the center.

"Welcome to your first Awakening session! Where you stand now is the exact same place where some of the most powerful beings the world has ever seen came to be. That is why we call this place the Creator's Alcove. Or Coloso if you prefer. Anyways, This place used to be a stage for great warriors to prove their strength and dignity. That will also be what you will be doing today."

It took a moment for us to register what he was implying. And confusion erupted throughout the class when it finally clicked.

"Sir! Are you saying that we are going to fight?!" Italy exclaimed with an alarmed tone that perfectly matched everyone's concern.

Mr. NATO smirked and said, "Precisely. But relax before you pee yourselves. We have Nurse WHO with us. She'll fix up any booboos you squirts get. And speak of the devil, here she comes!"

"Sorry about the delay Mr. NATO! I was wrapping up another patient who will be joining you shortly," she explained, " quite a handful he is."

"Please, no need to apologize, Nurse. In fact I should be thanking you. This wasn't part of your job but here you are. Anyways, as I was saying, you kids will begin this session in a one-on-one combat tournament. I will explain why in a moment but first, who here knows what an Awakening is?

Of course, everyone turned their attention to me.

"I do sir."

"Good! What is your name, young man?"

"Germany, sir"

"Germany, explain what an Awakening is for us."

I took a deep breath and began to recite, "An Awakening is a special ability a country develops once it reaches a certain status or level of importance. Countries usually develop around the ages of 17-27 though there are some special cases of early Awakenings which all of them ended up making history. Each awakening is unique to each country and the strength of awakenings depend on multiple variables such as beliefs and influence over others."

"Well said! Now I can see why good ol' EU likes you so much," NATO teased, "Now, this program is to help you find your Awakening. But, like Germany said, each Awakening is unique. That means each of your triggers are different too. That is why I need to see you fight. I need to see your style. How you react to pressure, to danger. Sometimes, with a little push, you might even discover your awakening all on your own."

Then his tone turned serious, "With that being said, I do need you all to promise you will keep injuries to a minimum. Understood? Nurse WHO may be skilled, but she isn't a necromancer. She cannot bring back the dead. This training isn't an excuse to beat the living daylights out of the people you don't like. If I see any unnecessary force being used, I will step in and ban your sorry ass from this program forever.

Now, who is ready to start?" he asked, cheerfully.

"What a weeeeiiiiiirrrrrd guy," Poland muttered.

I couldn't agree more.

Mr. NATO was in the middle of arranging our opponents when someone new arrived and caught his attention, "Look what the cat dragged in! Is this the troublemaker I've been hearing so much about?"

"Yes indeed," Nurse WHO chimed, "This is Russia. Russia, this is Mr. NATO. He will be running the Awakening sessions this year."

"I apologize for my tardiness. I was in an unfortunate conflict with some assholes."

"He's also a rough one. Visits me at least once a week," commented Nurse WHO, "He'll be joining Professor EU's class for this program if I recall correctly.

Everyone stared at the nurse in horror. Russia simply glared at the ground.

Poland was absolutely petrified. His feathers began to fluff up, something he only did when he was about to die of fright. He looked desperately at me for comfort but found none. My face was twisted with rage as I glared at Russia. Russia caught it and glared back.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin. First on the stage— please step forward!" Mr. NATO announced, seemingly unaware of the heated dirty-looks war that was going on.

A chime rang, signaling the start of the tournament as the first pair climbed into the ring.

To be continued...

Author's Note: Things are gonna get more and more exciting from here on out! YEAH!

Thank you for reading and I hope you stick with me as I keep writing my crap!

One more thing: I will start setting up an upload schedule for a new chapter every Friday? At least one chapter a week...

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