Chapter 11: The Beginning

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Widowmaker's / Amélie's pov

It has been weeks now. Y/N has not yet been found. His old home, his place where he studied, even the hidden lab.

The lab under King's Row's clocktower had been abandoned and nearly destroyed.

Tracer did bring me something the other day. I have a feeling she understands what this must be like. Or at least that she tolerates me and hopes I fix my mistakes. It was a ticket of the play we had gone to, as well as his cellphone.

The doof had taken pictures of me during the play without me noticing. I don't know how he had done it.

When I swiped onto another one, I was taken by surprise. It was a selfie of him when he was out on the walk with me. He had added text to it saying: "Mon amour, pour toujours."

I learned to contain my emotions over the past couple of weeks but this touched me. And all I could see was how uninterested I looked in that picture.

I swiped again and this time landed on a video.

It looked like our lab. I hit olay, curious what I was gonna see.

"Okay. The widowmaker cure, test 12. Or was it 13? Whatever, it doesn't matter."

I heard his voice as he seemed to be working. He was typing away on a computer as he was concocting my cure.

"So. The previous tests have all been failures. If it wasn't the thresholds being off, it was the concoction basically exploding or becoming poison yet again. So far, changing the mixing process from automatic to manual has changed the results, however, the analysis of the previous concoctions showed they would do more harm than good."

He sighed. He looked so frustrated and tired. The clock on the wall behind him showed 4pm.

"This time around, I have decided to change no amounts but I decided to add in some of her perfume. It contained a certain fluid that I may be able to use as a bonding agent. If you ever see this, honey, I'm sorry."

He smiled into the camera as he said this. It warmed my heart as I whispered: "It's okay, mon amour. You succeeded." It felt as if I did this out of reflex.

"Alright. Let's set this running for the next few minutes."

He pushed the button and took a seat. Only to get back up a few seconds in.

"Shut up! Okay?!", he shouted, seemingly to something off screen.

I never had seen this happen before. Who was there?

"I don't care what you think!", he pointed off-screen. "She most certainly does love me! And no! It is not a bet, a lie, or a joke, like the times before! It's real! I can feel it.", he grabbed his chest when he said this.

I felt a lump in my throat. He was talking about me. To whomever that was.

"And I will cure her! And you'll see it to be true once that happens!"

I suddenly saw that he was turning. As if somebody was walking behind him, one was there.

"Y/N?", I whispered softly.

"You've been egging me on. Trying to make me give up hope for anything good to happen. But no more. Something good did happen. Amélie did."

I had retreated to my room. Tears were once again running down my cheeks. What had I done?

"So run off. I've got no more time for you!", he shouted as he returned to work.

He then looked into the camera. Almost straight at me. He moved closer and sighed loudly.


My eyes widened as I almost started sobbing.

"Y/N! I'm here!"

I knew he wouldn't hear me. But I wanted to see him. To tell him so much.

"If you see this video, then... I don't know. You might be cured. I hope so anyway, if this concoction comes out the way I want it. Anyway. I'll tell you what just transpired. Unless the real me has already told you and video me has nothing more to say."

His goofy smile made me giggle softly.

"Amèlie. I have a...mental issue. Or two. People would classify it as schizophrenia. I would classify it as hell. In my mind, there are these two voices. They egg me on give up. Give up hope, faith and trust in my future. I have loved a few women before you. And with a few exceptions, most of it turned out to be lost bets or jokes. Or using me as a means to an end."

The sadness crept onto his face as he sighed and looked to the ground.

But then he looked up again. With such a bright smile.

"But none of that matters. I have you now. Anyway. These voices have recebgly started to be more...visual. People in black cloaks. Cornering me, telling me things they believe to be true. Like this being a trick on me by you!"

I closed my eyes. I have proven that to he true. Rather than wrong. Guilt washed over me.

"But I believe in you, Amèlie. Even if this were to be true, at least the cure will allow you to come clean with that."

"It's not true!", I yelled.

"Je t'aime, mon amour! Whatever those voices are or those...things are, I don't care! I do love you! Your cure worked! And I've failed you because I doubted for too long! Please...please come back."

I yelled. I whimpered. Widowmaker would've thought of me as pathetic.

Ding. It resounded in the video.

He looked over to the counter.

"No way...", he exclaimed. He started moving to the computer, started typing away furiously. A smile crept upon his lips as he put his hands in his hair.

"It worked! It finaly worked!", he got up, danced around and laughed loudly. He then turned to the camera.

"Chèrie. You're going to be cured. The perfume worked! I'll see you soon! Je t'aime!"

And with that the video ended. I wept silently. I have failed him. My poor Y/N.

My door opened. Tracer peeked in with a sad look on her face.

"Sorry, Amélie,'re going to want to see this, luv."

Experimenting - Scientist male reader x WidowmakerWhere stories live. Discover now