~2~ Dudley the Snake (Chapter 1 Part 2)

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Hello! Before this chapter begins, I would like to thank this site: https://allnovel.net/search.php?keyword=harry-potter because I use it to write my story and it helps me a lot! If you're writing a Harry Potter fanfic, you should check it out so you can just read them all online. I even saw the cursed child somewhere I think. . .

And, I will do a "Previously" for a part 2 (or more) type chapter. (All in Italics)

(Y/n) = Your Name

(T/t) = Twin Telepathy

(F/IC) = Favourite Ice Cream

Also, congrats to Brystal_Granger (again) for reaching 1k reads on her awesome story! I said I'd dedicate 2 chapters in a row to her (to celebrate) so here it is!


~~~~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~~~~

"Harry!" I said noticing he finally got up. I'm not always this excited for Harry to get up but today, I finally got our lockets open. They were stuck open for a while. A while as in ever since we could remember having them. I made sure not to look at what was in it though because I made a promise to Harry and he made the same to me. Every week, we would give both lockets to one of us and it was my week so of course, as usual, I tried to open it but the thing is that this time, I got it open.

"I did it! I opened them!!" I said but quickly added: "I swear I didn't look at them!"


~~~~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~~~~

"Can I open mine?" I requested.

"If I can open mine!" Harry says with excitement in his voice. We start opening them together but then, much to nobody's surprise:

"Are you going to make the bacon or not?!" Aunt Petunia barks as Harry goes over to the stove and starts to turn over the bacon after giving me his to hold. Seriously? (As much as it pains me to not write a Sirius pun, she hasn't met him yet 😭)

"Comb your hair!" says Uncle Vernon, peeking over his newspaper. He did this about once a week. Harry must have had more haircuts than anyone in our class. Actually, more than everyone in the class put together! But, it actually didn't make that much of a difference at all. Harry's hair (try 5 times fast, I lost on 2 XD) grows messy and it grows back fast.

~~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~~~

(Y/n) was mixing orange juice and apple cider while Harry was frying eggs when Dudley and Aunt Petunia entered the kitchen. Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon. He had a fat pink face, not much neck, small watery blue eyes, and thick blonde hair that sat smoothly on his fat head. While Aunt Petunia often described him as a baby angel, (Y/n) agreed behind their backs with Harry that he looked like a pig in a wig.

Harry put the eggs and bacon on the table which was pretty hard, seeing as it was covered in presents.

Luckily, (Y/n) was much smarter than him and moved some presents over.

Luckily, (Y/n) was much smarter than him and moved some presents over

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(DISCONTINUED)The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone (Draco x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя