Riddle Era Bonus ~1~

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Hello! I'm sorry for my long absence. Anyways, I just had a breakthrough, so here we go. Riddle-era bonus. Yay! So, you remember Hydra? Yes? Good. No? Welp, here's a reminder:

She has black hair that fades to a dark blue.

She has dark blue eyes.


Parseltongue is in italics.

~~~~~~Hydra's POV~~~~~~

"Open," I said, looking at the snake engraved on the tap. It opened and I slid down into the chamber of secrets. Yeah, I spoke in parseltongue. I didn't inherit it though.

See, when I was born, there was a problem. I would most likely die or have a potion injected that would either kill me or save me, but this potion was the only way. So that's what happened. To be fair, the choice was between me dying or having a 50% chance of dying. There was nothing to lose and everything to gain. My mother let them inject me with it and I not only survived but I got the ability to speak parseltongue. I was the only person to ever survive the injection.

I reached the bottom of the slide, then went over to a door thing. I need to give it a name at some point. "Open," I repeated, and stepped through the door. Snake door. Metal snake door. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I went over to a corner and transfigured a stone into a couch and another into a coffee table. I took some parchment, ink jars, and quills out of my bag and started sketching.

We need a symbol and I decided to have some fun with it. I drew a circle and a drop, to symbolize blood, or, more likely, the wearer's blood status. I kept sketching the outline, and once I was done, I got out my coloured ink and drawing quill.

 I kept sketching the outline, and once I was done, I got out my coloured ink and drawing quill

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(The silver drop represents pure blood.
The snake and the green circle represent Slytherin.)

I finished my sketch for a Slytherin pureblood symbol and decided to draw the other symbols later. It took a while. (No really, it took two hours.)

"You haven't sssaid hello," came a voice.

"Good afternoon to you too," I replied. Yeah, I'm talking to a basilisk, I do it all the time, relax.

I started sketching more outlines (the circle and the drop) for later while having a conversation with the basilisk, when suddenly, "Hello."

"AH!" I fell over. Yay. "Tom, you can't do that! It's obnoxious! And very startling. And I messed my sketch up."

"Oh, it's the end of the world, Hydra got startled and messed her sketch up. It was nice knowing you both."

"Oh, ha ha," I said with sarcasm and got back up.

"What's this?"

"A sketch?"


"The symbol? That you asked me to design? Did you hit your head?"

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