Prank Bonus ft. MEE

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Hi! You read it. I'm pranking y'all like I said I would. And I'm writing like this.

Person A: I'm talking.

Person B: *doing something*

Person C: (*thinking* anything in these parentheses, I'm thinking it)

Person D: (*dreaming* same goes for this except I'm doing the stuff between the * things)

So yeah.

The only thing you need for this is (Y/n) and I'm pretty sure you remember what that means, no key needed.

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Seafoam: (*thinking* Sooo boooreedddd...)
*sees people at breakfast in the Great Hall*
*gets idea*
(*thinking* Hehehe.....)

Poor Students: *minding their own buisness*

Seafoam: *enables one person mode* (where only one person can hear me)
(*whispers* I kissed a boy and I liked it, taste of his cherry chapstick~)

(Y/n): Ughh Harry, I have a song stuck in my head!

Harry: Which one?

Draco: *putting on cherry chapstick*

(Y/n): The one that goes:
*clears throat*
I kissed a boy and I liked it, taste of his cherry chapstick~

Everyone: *staring*

(Y/n): What? I can't be THAT bad....

Everyone: *points at Draco who dropped his chapstick*

(Y/n): What the- AUTHOR~CHAN!!!

Seafoam: *enables everyone can hear mode*
What? Besides, you will kiss him one day, I'll make sure of that, so chillax-

Hermione: Aren't you messing with time, telling people the future?


Seafoam: Sadly for you, I'm the one with the author's keyboard, so it will happen.

(Y/n): I can resist the keyboard.

Seafoam: And if I made you get up just to trip?

(Y/n): I won-
*stands up*

Seafoam: And if I made Mr Malfoy here catch you?

Draco: No. I'm not catching anybody, especially not her, or else my-

Seafoam: Your father will hear about it? Oh yeah, in this universe, fun fact, he tried to betroth you and (Y/n) when she was born or something, and her parents wouldn't allow it.

Draco: THAT'S A LIEEE!!!

Me: It is Nott! Get it? Eh, Theodore? No? Okay... Anyways, go do trust falls with each other or something, oh yeah, right, EAT YO BREAKFAST!!

Dumbledore: What encouraging words! I quite agree, let's continue our breakfast!

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

How was that? Good? Good. Anyways, I'm not gonna bother with a proper outro or anything, just have a nice day/night, bye-bye little butterflies!

(DISCONTINUED)The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now