24. Gravis Loqui ~ {Serious Talk}

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The sound of heavy drapery being pulled back registered in Ruby's consciousness. It was the thing that woke her. She could hear humming then. The tune was not familiar to her and it didn't sound like something Cassy would hum. Ruby opened her eyes to see that Ryan's face was in her face. His eyes were closed and his hair was all over the place. Ruby realized at that moment that she was tangled with him. She also realized that Mama Brose was in the room. 

"Good morning Ruby dear, time to wake up. Just a quick spell then we can have breakfast. Go on, poke Ryan awake there. It's early he's bound to be a bear about it." Evelyn Brose could not keep the anxiety out of her usually cheerful and almost always appropriate tone. 

Ruby was stuck. She tried to pull her leg back, but Ryan's leg was on hers. She tried to lift her arm to poke him, but he had his arm over her arm and wrapped around her back, holding her rather closely. She cleared her throat.

"Ryan, we have to get up, move." Ruby groaned as she started to try and roll away. There was way too much to unpack about this situation and she had to pee. "Come on." Ruby got her bottom leg and arm out and slid away on her belly while Ryan tried to pull her back. Ruby was faster than his sleepy reflexes. He's probably not worried about what his mom is thinking! Ruby fretted to herself.

"Good morning Mama Brose," Ruby spoke as she passed her on the way to Ryan's bathroom. 

When Ruby was washing her hands she realized that her toothbrush was in Ryan's bathroom. Had they really moved all of her things? She thought about that as she brushed her teeth, she couldn't help feeling weird about this. It wasn't that she didn't want to be where she was, it was more that she was worried her parents were going to be angry with her. She decided to talk to Evelyn Brose about it.

When Ruby left the bathroom she saw that Ryan was awake and helping clear off his desk. Evelyn Brose beckoned Ruby toward them as Cassy walked into the room. Ruby stepped towards the desk to see that there was a map on top of it.

"I know the three of you will have questions. I can't answer them, not right now. Ruby? Take this pendulum. Hold it like this."

Ruby took the pendulum from Evelyn Brose. She didn't touch the crystals at either end, she held it the way that she was shown.

"Alright, we are going to do the same thing we did yesterday. Ryan put your hand on her back. Cassy, go ahead and push her sleeve up so you can hold her arm. Now put yourselves back into the dream. I want you to picture the other witches, the ones we haven't met. Picture the girl first, Cinder, right?"

"Yes Mum, it was Cinder." Cassy was watching the map. She'd always wanted to see this work.

"Concentrate Cassy, please. Alright Ruby, picture Cinder." Evelyn Brose watched the map too. 

Ruby did not watch the map. Ruby was watching Ryan because Ryan was watching her. She smiled and then felt the pendulum moving. She cast her eyes downward without moving her head, she didn't want to alter the movement of the crystal. Ruby gasped as something jerked on the crystal. It was like a magnet attracted the crystal to yank her arm down as the tip of the pendulum poked a hole in the map.

"Goddess! Did it work?" Cassy asked as she looked at the map incredulously.

"Lift the pendulum gently Ruby, just straight up is fine." Evelyn Brose took a photo of the map and where the hole was and sent it to Seb's cell phone. "Alright Ruby, one more time. For Cassy's mate and our vessel, right?" Evelyn Brose was trying to put some kind of normal spin on these events.

Ruby waited for Cassy and Ryan to get back in the dream. Her eyes were closed. She didn't know if she needed them opened or not. It was strange how she could feel when they were centered, she jumped into the dream again and this time she looked at Kieran. She waited to feel the pendulum pull again. 

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