32. Adventum Acerbumdulce Auxilium ~ {The Arrival of Bittersweet Help}

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The low rumble heard in the distance was reminiscent of a storm, but the sky held no clouds. Sebastian Brose exited the foyer of the monstrously large victorian mansion that was now the home of the Blue Moon Coven. They hadn't been visited by the council since Ruby had been handed to abductors by the doctor that now lay suffering in Seb's dungeon.

A flock of black birds was disturbed in the distance as the rumble grew louder. Their flight decorating the sky as the sounds grew nearer. Scott Brose joined his brother Seb on the porch while they both watched the road for the cause of the rumble to appear.

They began as small pairs of dots on the long road from the highway that led to Blue Moon pack lands. The closer they approached the easier it was to see that there were bikes approaching. The riders were in formation two across and straight-lined all the way back.

"Looks like he brought his whole club," Seb muttered with a little worry in his tone. He'd have to call the butcher and place another large order. His mind was awash with supply needs as he started to count off the bikes and got to fifty.

The low rumble had turned into a dull roar as the bikes began to arrive and park in another tight formation, making room in the car park for all fifty bikes. The end of the caravan was brought in by three large security vans and one Mercedes conversion van.

Sebastian and Scott stood on the porch and watched as the wolves dismounted their bikes and gathered, waiting for their leader to give orders. Each of the wolves were wearing a leather jacket or cut with the words "Hells Trackers M.C." emblazoned on the back. There were some wolves with their intimidating-looking old ladies with them. Women who had committed to the M.C. life and were mated to a tracker, or were trackers themselves.

Once all of the vehicles were parked there was a large crowd of Blue Moon Pack members, guards and warriors mostly, that had gathered to welcome the incoming pack.

The wolves began to mingle with each other, greetings and arm grabs exchanged with half hugs as a large man walked toward the porch where Seb and Scott stood waiting.

"You always did know how to make an entrance Cass" Scott growled low as he jumped off the porch to meet Caspian just at the bottom of the porch stairs. He gripped him in a tight hug instantly clapping a hand on his back. "It's been way too long, Bror"

Caspian grinned with a face that matched Scott's and returned the hug tightly before letting go and stepping back to eye Scott over. "Damn, I still look good!" Caspian exclaimed while he looked upon the countenance of his twin.

"Oh shut up you narcissistic ass," Sebastian stepped over to where Scott and Caspian stood. He slapped the back of Caspians cut a few times instead of a hug. "It's good to have you here Bror, I've got the land cleared that you asked for and we have wolves ready to run the perimeter patrols to do the shielding as you suggested. As soon as we get your pack fed and watered we can head out."

Caspian put an arm around each brother while his pack moved around to begin setting up their camp. He moved his brothers toward the steps and up them and through the front door of the home of the Blue Moon Coven. Once they were inside the foyer and the door was closed Caspian leaned into both Scott and Seb and spoke low.

"First order of business, I need to see Ryan, see if I can fix this fever of his."

Scott nodded and stepped back, his head nod gestured towards the stairs.

"Head on up, Evelyn is feeding him right now, or trying to anyway."

Caspian left Seb and Scott in the Foyer as he walked with a quickness to the stairs then up them. His motorcycle boots left a heavy thud on the wood floors, announcing his arrival to the wing where Ryan and Ruby's room was located. He nodded to the guard that still kept vigil outside the door and walked through to see Evelyn Brose spooning some broth into Ryan's mouth.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now