Raven smiled feeling his delicate touch. That smile grew even wider when she felt his body coming alive beneath her. She placed her hands on his shoulders pushing him back. "Sorry baby, but that's not what I want."

"Oh really? Then what do you want?"

"I haven't decided yet, but when I find out I'll let you know." She replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes seeing his anticipation. This was going to be so much fun for her, now all she had to do was map out her plans.

As they sat on the couch watching the rest of the game, Drake's phone started to make noise. He reached in his pocket pulling it out to look at the screen. After reading a message he stuffed it back in his pocket and wrapped his arm back around Raven's shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" Raven asked when she really wanted to ask who it was. That was the third message he got that he didn't reply to. Her inquiring mind wanted to get a peek at his phone, but she refrained. She didn't want to be that girl; the jealous girlfriend role didn't suit her.

"Yeah, that's just 40 and the guys. They're trying to get me to come out with them tonight." Tonight would mark one whole week he'd spent 'missing in action' as his crew put it. Since he and Raven both had some free time, he was using it to their advantage. They'd been held up at her house since that was the only place they could truly be alone and just be. They spent their early mornings and late nights in bed, which neither of them had any problems with, and the in between time was spent relaxing on the beach, or having tv marathons in their pajamas away from intruding eyes.

Raven nodded her head and went back to watching television, but soon turned her attention back to him. She took the popcorn bowl from his lap and sat it on the table. "Call Noah and tell him you're going," said Raven. Deep down she didn't want him to go, but she didn't want him to alienate his friends either.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, they probably think I'm holding you hostage." She joked, but yet and still he sat there contemplating what he was going to do. Raven nudged his side trying to push him off the sofa. "Aubrey, go spend time with your boys. I'll be here when you get back."

After thinking it over for another minute, he unwrapped his arm from around Raven and stood up. "Alright, let me tell them to come get me then." He said as he walked out of the room leaving Raven on the sofa.

Raven sat in the living room mindlessly flipping through channels. Sports had suddenly become less interesting to her. After fifteen minutes or so of channel surfing, she got up and went into her bedroom. The first thing she saw when she entered was Drake standing in front of the closet wearing a pair of white jeans with a towel on over his head using it to dry the remaining bits of water. When he finished, he tossed it on the floor in a pile with the dirty clothes that he just took off. Raven shook her head, she'd lost count of how many times she's asked him to put his clothes in the hamper and somehow they just always managed to end up on the floor. He could be so messy at times. Raven sat down on the bed and watched him shift through 'his' closet looking for a shirt.

"So where are you guys going?" she asked.

"I don't know, Ryan said something about a strip club. Are you cool with that?" Drake spoke with his back to her while still looking for something to wear. His eyes land on a blue and black button-down, with weird patterns all over it. He took it off the hanger and began putting it on.

The words strip club was still registering in her head. When she encouraged him to go out with the guys, she was thinking along the lines of kicking back, eating greasy foods, talking about the female anatomy, scratching themselves, or whatever the hell they did. But a strip club... she wasn't too sure about that. The thought of some naked thirsty woman grinding on him made her stomach turn. It was so difficult being with him, knowing that women were constantly throwing their vagina at him. If they did it when she was around, she knew it was even worse when she wasn't. When she drifted out of Lala land to answer him, her nose slightly scrunched up as she watched him button the fugly blue shirt.

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