"Honey I don't think Austin would be like that. I don't think he would do that to you. You two have been inseparable even since he moved away. There has got to be something there, maybe he just didn't know how to tell you" she said with a comforting smile.

"I think he thought I was going to keep him away from his dream and regardless if he told me he loved me or not I would never do that to him. He's wanted this since he was 12" I laughed.

"When was the last time you talked to him?" she asked rubbing my arm.

"Last week" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"And how is he?" she asked.

"Fine I mean I guess. We don't talk for long, he says that he doesn't like to see me sad so we skype for about 15 minutes and then we hang up. He asked me to wait for him Mom. I said yes but now I feel like I'm waiting for nothing, he doesn't even talk to me like he used too" I said feeling sad but not having anymore tears to cry.

"Oh Charlotte" my Mom said, sympathy for me washing over her face.

"There's something else Mom" I said, my palms becoming sweaty as I nervously pulled at my fingers.

"What is it Charlie?" she asked, a different more concerned tone coming over her.

I reached over and stuck my hand underneath my mattress grabbing the pregnancy test I took 15 minutes before she walked into my room and handed it to her, her eyes growing wide.

"I'm pregnant Mom" I said laughing as I started to cry.

"Charlie, are you sure?" she asked as she ran her hands through her hair looking at the words on the screen.

I nodded as I let the tears slide down my cheeks.

"That's the third one I took today and all of them say positive. I guess Austin wasn't lying when he said I'd always have a piece of him with me after that weekend" I laughed trying to make light of the situation.

"Are you going to tell him?" my Mom asked still holding the positive test in her hand, glancing down at it every now and then as if the words in front of her were going to change.

"No Mom, I can't I don't want him to feel obligated to come home or to love me. I want it all to happen on its own" I said quietly.

"So you want to do this on your own?" she asked me.

"Yes. I want him to live his dream Mom and me and our baby will always be here supporting him from the sidelines and will be waiting for him if he comes home" I smiled sadly as a stray tear slid slowly down my face.

Austin's POV

"Up for another game of Minecraft?" Jason asked me.

"Uh nah I think I'm going to pass" I said as I grabbed my guitar and started strumming out one of my favorite Dylan song.

"You alright man? You only play Dylan when your depressed. Thinking about her?" Jason asked as he broke his contact with the screen in front of him to look at me briefly.

"Always Jason, always" I laughed.

"Well why don't you do something about it. It's been two months man and you've been depressed ever since you got here" he said focusing his attention on the game.

"Your right, she should be home. It's just a two hour difference in Texas" I said getting up and placing my guitar on its stand before heading to the closet I called my room and grabbed my phone.

hey charlie, can u talk?

yeah sure. skype or phone?

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