Chapter 21 🌺🌺

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|| R A D H I K A ||

Teared rolled down my eyes after he screamed remembering that day!

Flashback when they were bestfriends and last year of college!

Thing's are going great right now ..I am happy where I am .. because I have My Aditya with me ..
I and Aditya are bestfriends from childhoods ..we are always togather in those boring family gatherings ..we talk play so much ..I have always been this happy person who used to express feelings happily and be happy..also because of Adi..

It's the last year of college ..soon it will be graduation ..we might co own the company also ..then Aditya and I will work on it togather ..we spend a lot of time with eachother.. happily..we do everything ..I have slowly realised my feelings for him ..I really like him ..
We are in many clubs togather ..he is in Acting and cricket club and I am in dancing and writing club seperately..but we have some other in which we are togather..

Tomorrow is valentine's day ..and I am going to ask him out ..I don't know what his answer will be...I mean I can see the feeling he has for me when wea rw togather ..the way he hugs me and kisses my cheeks and irritates me ..gets possesive...the graduation is a week later so we will be happily graduating togather ..

I was sitting on the bench looking at the sunset ..Aditya came with popcorn in his hands ..I don't know from where he always finds food ..we are both very big foodies ..he came and gave it to me and I chuckled ..

" Where did you get this?" I asked
" It was here only eat na " he said ..
" Waise kya soch rahi thi?" He asked
" Nothing ... tomorrow is valentine's day .." I said expecting something

"Haan.. actually there will be so many girls asking me out .." he said
" So will u say yes?" I asked
" It depends on who it is" he said and I nodded ...he might agree I guess ..

" Even I will get a lot of proposals ..and Ronit as usaul like every year he going to propose me" I said
" And you will reject him" he said immediately..
" Should I say yes once ..I have rejected every year" I said
" Chup kar .. please he doesn't like you" he said
" And how do you know ..what if he does ..I think I should say yes" I said to tease him
" I think I should say yes ..chup kar ..I wil break his face" he said mimicking..and I laughed ..he hugged me and snuggled in his chest..

I love you Aditya Agarwal..I smiled at that thought..


The next day..
I was all ready in a red dress looking pretty good actually ..I was so excited I am finally going to ask him ..I know he loves me ...

I ran in college looking for him ..I could see some couple smiling and some angry ..some getting rejected and some starting something new ..
I was excited ..yet again Ronit came with a card and I took it and smiled at him and kissed his cheeks ..he was so happy .. but I was happy I couldn't reject him ..

I went and searched for Aditya everywhere ..I finally found him near the stairs talkin'to someone and I didn't know ky world would turn upside down ..

" I love you pari I really love you ..I have always been in love with you ..I didn't know how to tell you beautiful smile ..I just keep looking and following you..will you be my girlfriend ..the love of my life?" I heard Aditya saying ..and that girl said yes and they hugged ..and I was shattered heart broke into a million pieces ..

He doesn't love me ..
He doesn't love me
He doesn't love me

Kept ringing in my head and those lines he told were moving around ..tears spilled out and I ran ..I ran like hell ..I was upset and shattered broke me ..

And That day everything changed ..I ignored Aditya's calls and messages ...he kept calling me and I ignored ..I was in my room all the time ..I went to college and said yes to Ronit ..I know I did it ij impulse but he deserves it .. I kissed Ronit in front of Aditya who's fist clenched he bloody deserved it ..and Ignored him ..

I was completely changed point of views on love ..I was rude and sad ..and didn't give a damn ..this was the reason I was so dul ..I used to be a happy person but everything shattered
Why Adi? Am I so ugly?

I stooped talking to Adi ..I told my parents also we aren't Friends they kept asking me but I didn't tell them ..

I was rude to Aditya everytime he spoke to me ..
I started spreading rumours of Aditya drinking and smoking and he was the bad boy ..

We fought on graduation day .. because of the rumours ..we hated eachother ..we spoke and yelled tye guts out at Each other..tye whole college was shocked aa we were bestfriend including our parents ..

Then we both stopped talking and went for college and in our different directions ..

Flashback ends..

The reason I was so Rude and first actual love was incomplete ..

I looked at Adi and he was frustrated ..
"  What do you want to know ...why I did that" I screamed
" Yes I do just stoped talking after Valentin day ..what did I do ..why did you do it Radhika" he yelled holding me
" Because I loved you Goddamit " I screamed coming out of his hold..and his face was shocked ..

"I fucking loved you ..but you broke my heart" I yelled and started crying..
" What the fuck are you talking about" he said .. pulling his hair out
" Fuck it Adi loved someone else I know" I said ..
" Are you kidding me never told me idiot" he yelled making me flinch

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