Chapter 19 🌺🌺

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|| R A D H I K A ||

" Your making me think stuff I don't want to about a Married woman" he said ..
" Yeah ..I guess we would be a better match" I said
" I know radz your doing it to Annoy your husband"he stated obviously
" Oh .. actually that is the second reason true...but I was actually flirting with you baba " I said and laughed ..

" Could I please have my wife back" Adi said out of no where .. jealous
" All yours .." he said and u hugged hin and kissed him in his cheek and we went to the dance floor..
" What the fuck were you doing with him " Adi asked angrily ..
" Why do I have to give an explanation to you ..I will do what I want ..and he is a good friend"
" And I am your husband" he said

" Oh thank you for telling I forgot" I said..
" You just wants ti bed you now friend shit" he said
" Guess what ..he has already bed me " I said with a smirk ..and he has the scariest angry face ...shit wrong move Radhika...I could feel his hold on my waist go really hard and closer ..

" Adi chill's the past don't worry" I said before he lashes out ..
"But have to slept with everyone here"? He asked ..douche
"What the fuck is that supposed to me idiot" I asked
" That you have slept wity everyone here" he said simply ..I knew he was trying to hurt me ..
" If you feel  that way great ..anyway I can't dance with an Idiot like you bye " I said angrily and went from there ...

I saw Raghav and spoke to him again ..he is a nice person ..if this hadn't happened I and Raghav might have been a thing I don't know ..soon dad called us to the stage ..
" We are so happy to announce the new ceos of Mehrwal Industries ...Aditya Agarwal and Radhika Mehta Agarwal..." Everyone gasped and clapped ...
" Yea you heard it right ...we decided to announce it togather ..our children have married eachother happily" and everyone hooted and clapped ..

Aditya was just looking at me ..but I was least interested ..he is acting like a real jerk ..and I don't know why ..
I congratulated by many people and we had a shoot of pictures .. the news was given to otter companies to publish as I can't announce my own ownership it wil be too much attitude..

I went to my girls..and started talking to them .. they were gushing at Raghav ..I mean he is hot and awesome..
" How was it with him" Ahana asked
" He is pretty good though must say and he is sweet ..I guess if we hadn't got married we would have been a thing he is really sweet" I said ..and looked at my girls who had a horrified expression ..

I turned around and Fuck! ADITYA was standing looking at me at kuch anger and hurt in his eyes ..shit he heard it ..shit shit ..he must be feeling awful ..I shouldn't have done it ..but he deserves it for being a jerk to me .. but common Radz..I went towards him..
" Don't fucking come near me ..go to the ass" he said angrily ..
" Aditya you are overeacting ..I was just stating the fact .." I said ..
" Oh so you like him .." he asked ..
" No Aditya can you please cool down .." I said
" Fuck off " he said and went away..

I shouldn't have said it ..fuck ..why do I always mess things up!!!..


It's been two hours and I am exhausted ..I want to go home ..I have been noticing Aditya drinking continuesly in anger ..I tried stopping him and he would yell ..I don't want a scene here ..he is really upset ...when I wanted him he ditched me and now he acting like he loves me .. he messed up everything not me ..

I saw him angrily walk-in out I went behind him ..I want him to be safe ...I know his anger is beyond everything right now ..
" Adi ..don't eb crazy your not driving" I said ..and took the key from hai hand .. he went and silently but witha angry face sat in the passenger seat I expected him to do some drama but he isn't even looking at me ..

I drove to his apartment ..he just went directly leaving me behind ..u went with him ..his house was beautiful and cozy one would think it's his bachelor pad .. but okay ..he just went to his room I suppose and banged the door loudly while closing it ..I sighed ..he will take some time to get better ..


I thought some time ..but it's been two weeks and My husband my Mr Ass hasn't spoken to me ..yes ..we had a first day after the party and he only spoke about work to me ..that also hardly ..any moment I would starr a conversation he would go away or shut me up ..I don't like this silent Adi..I like my Mr Ass ..even at home ..I cook dinner or breakfast for him but he doesn't have it ..but the next day uts empty so I guess he does ..

I know he is pissed but it's been two weeks now ..I have to do something for my husband;)

I forgot tte revenge because he doesn't even look at me ..he is so busy in his work ..he comes home late even ok Sunday's I guess he doesn't want me ..

But today was sunday and this Sunday wont let him escape ..I quickly got up early and was in my shirt night dress and made some pancakes for him and went to his bed ..he sleeps shirtless and I get some time to gawk at him ..he looks so cute and handsome while sleeping my cutie ..I think I should move on from the past...

I came out fo my trance I felt him squirm ..I slightly nudged him calling out his name response ..I kissed his cheek response ..
" Aditya Agarwal!!!!!" I screamed .. slightly woke up in a jolt what a pleasant morning for him ;)
" What the fuck ..who wakes up like that" he shouted somthing other than office work sounds so nice ..

" I woke you up a couple of time you didn't wake up " I said cutely ..he checked the time it was 10 ..
"  It's Sunday!! And what are u doing here .." he groaned ..
" I cooked breakfast" I said and gave it to him
" Why? You aren't my wife right wanted Raghav right ..why for me do it for him" he yelled at me and got out to the bathroom..I sighed ziddi baccha ..even I am extra ziddi than you

He came out in ten minutes in boxers and shirtless and stooped looking at me ..
" What are you still doing here?" He asked irritated ..
"Have breakfast" I said ..
" I don't want " he said and climbed back in bed ..and started using his phone ..he looked so good like a cute kid ..

I went and sat in his lap and out his phone inside my shirt ..I know I am smart thanks ..😬
" Radhika don't irriate me ..give it back" he said
" I don't have it " I said showing my hands ..
* Get off me and remove it from your shirt .." he said ..
" Nope ..I don't feel like..I said moving again his lap" take it if you want" I said and winked ....

I hope you like it ❤️ please follow me and vote for me and comment!!! Next chapter is finally going to be climax!! Stay tuned!!

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