Finally leaving

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I opened my eyes and looked around the first thing I saw was Tanner he was asleep but I could tell he's been crying. I looked over to my left and saw my dad he hasn't seen me yet I looked around wondering where my brother was. I felt something different like a different feeling on my neck I went up to touch it and felt something I started freaking out I wanted to speak but I felt like I couldn't. I frantically looked around. I started clawing at my neck. Hey hey calm down it's okay your okay I'm right here my dad said. Dr. Grey walked in the room. Your awake I'm glad how are you feeling. You were already having a hard time breathing and when you were chocking on your food it made it worse it constricted your airways not allowing any air in causing you to pass out but that tube that's in your throat is what's helping you breath.
(Skip 2 days)

Hey there sleepy head I heard tanner say as I woke up from my nap I was so happy I was gonna get to go home later today and leave this horrible place being cooped up in here for days is not fun especially since no one will leave my side. Good news my brother said walking into the door my dad following suite pushing a wheel chair. You get to go home my brother finishes. Yayy I scream. Calm down crazy you have to get changed first my bro says. Uggg fine. I walk slowly into the bathroom and change with the clothes they brought I'm not fully healed but I'm good enough to go home I'm still a little weak so I can't go back to school quite yet not that I want to anyway. When I got done I walked out and was told to sit in the wheelchair. Do I have to. Yes you do my dad says. Your still a little weak so the less your on your feet the better. Fine I huff and sit in the wheelchair.

I noticed Tanner wasn't here which is weird he's always by my side to stubborn to leave me afraid somethings gonna happen. We finally get to the doors of the outside, freedom I'm so grateful. I see someone standing outside looking right at me with a big smile on his face with flowers in his hand. I am truly lucky to have found someone like him I don't know what I'd do with out him. He handed me the flowers and I smelled them, they smelled so good. What that's not weird they are flowers there made to be smelled. I handed them to my brother as we reached the car dad had pulled it up to the front to make it easier for me. Tanner helped me into the car sitting next to me with my brother in the front seat and my dad driving. I snuggled up into him somewhere along the way I feel asleep

(Like this but in the back seat leaned up against tanner if that makes sense) when I woke up we were pulling into the driveway when the car pulled to a stop I tiredly got my limp body out of the car waking up to the door using T anner as support

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(Like this but in the back seat leaned up against tanner if that makes sense) when I woke up we were pulling into the driveway when the car pulled to a stop I tiredly got my limp body out of the car waking up to the door using T anner as support.

It was a fun night we all sat on the couch watching movie after movie, ordering pizza, there was laughing, joke cracking, along with smiles erupting from me. You wouldn't believe it if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. It's me, I'm happy. I've been feeling happy Almost as if we were a family again don't get me wrong we've always been a family it's just tonight we felt closer than ever even when Tanner had to leave we continued to watch movies. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

This song is so cute he wrote it for his little boy who is only a couple months old it's so cute. I know the chapters are getting terrible they will be better I promise.
Words: 697
🎶: a little like me- kyler fisher

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