That tragic day

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It started out as just a normal regular day. Or as normal as could be for a 15 year old. I was being forced to go out with my mom. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but I just wanna stay home. My dad and brother are well I don't know they where gone when I got up this morning. My mom wanted to have a girls day although she had nothing really planned she never does she's just go with the flow. Come on Ivy you ready she yells from downstairs. Almost I'll be down in a minute I say back. As we get in the car I ask so what are we gonna do. Hmm I don't know what do you think about shopping she asks backing out of the driveway. Shopping, I'm down I tell her. I'm gonna get gas first. Okay I say.

Can I go get a snack from inside. Yeah, sure she says. I grab a bag of chips bringing it to the register. I'm gonna get a snack too you made me want to get something. Im gonna hold off for a minute I tell the worker. We payed for the snacks. I'm about to walk out when a man grabs me. Where do you think your going he growls at me. You comply with me right now or I shoot the girl he says holding the gun to my head. Let her go please. She's just a kid. My mom says. Shut up he yells. You let me take her I will let you leave unharmed. Just let her go my mom screams. SHUT UP or I shoot. Please please don't kill her I say. SHUT UP and than a loud booming sound erupted. Sobs escaped my mouth looking at my moms lifeless body on the floor not knowing what to do. The man behind the counter called for help. The man ran away before they got here.

The paramedics come running through moments later. Yelling things I could barely understand. No pulse. Charge. After a few minutes I heard the words I never imagined. She's gone. I started getting bombarded with questions do you have anyone you can call? Can you tell us what happened? Are you hurt? I couldn't answer any of them to shocked by what just happened. That moment is where it all started the pain and the misery. Ever since than I've never been okay I don't think I ever will be.

This chapter was so sad I know I'm sorry I did that to you.

Words: 436
🎶: empty- Olivia O'Brien

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