Please dont leave me

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I was sleeping peacefully when a pillow was thrown at me 3 to be exact I groaned and turned over to see my brother smiling time to get up you gotta go today. Uggg I don't want to go to school today. I noticed my brothers face was bruised up I was gonna say something about it but decided against it. I got up knowing I couldn't win with him and went to get ready.

You better hurry I heard him say I let you sleep longer today. I looked at the clock and he did let me sleep longer which I was happy about. Ivy quit just standing there and get ready I can't be late and that's when the happiness faded I should've known it wasn't gonna last. Today's Friday so I'm so glad tomorrow's the weekend no school means no bullying. Everyday the bullying gets worse and worse. Wednesday was the worse it's been all because my brother was telling all of his idiot friends about my night terrors well he didn't exactly say that but he did tell them what I was doing. My brothers a jerk but he's still my brother so I have no choice but to put up with him. Dad doesn't know what he does he's at work most of the time and I've been told countless times by my jerk of a brother not to tell him.

I was ready so I just walked to the car and we were on our way to school. Brief summary of school there was bullying all day it hurt me so much Tanner was really worried about me and stuck by my side almost the whole day. During passing period I asked him about his broken nose and he told he got into a fight with my brother. When he told me that I laughed at first but than told him he doesn't need to protect me.
We figured out we have 1st and 2nd period together along with 7th so that made me happy he ate lunch with me in Mrs folios class like I always do more like he ate cause like I said before I don't eat, I just don't feel like it.

The end of the day came around and I was relieved my wrist has been itching all day for my blade so when I got home I went straight to the bathroom and started cutting deep, really deep. I was angry at myself, at the world, at everything before I knew it I was bleeding out like crazy my vision started getting blurry and than I passed out.

Tanners POV:
Can I come in please I just wanna see Ivy. Did you follow us here chad asked. Please just let me come in and see Ivy I just wanna make sure she's okay, she walked out of class so fast I couldn't catch up to her. Ugghhhhh(exaggerated tone) fine she's in the bathroom she's been in there forever he said. What I say panicked. Relax she's fine Tanner anyways I got football practice peace loser.

I watched Chad go out the door and than I ran around the house looking searching every room to try to find the bathroom of course on the last door I found it I tried to open the door but it was locked. I got so scared I didn't know what to do. IVY IVY can you hear me talk to me, IVY please don't leave me I sob.

After a couple of tries of trying to break down the door I finally got it open I broke it but who cares. When I went in there I saw Ivy's lifeless body blood everywhere I started to cry. I pulled myself out of it wiped my tears and tried to help her. ( I couldn't find a good picture but this is how I picture it she's laying on the tile floor she's on her back her right arm is stretched out with blood continuing to pour out getting all over the floor) I frantically got my phone out of my pocket and called 911 someone finally answered after what feels like forever.

My name is Mr. lark can you tell me your name and what's going on the dispatcher said in a calm voice. I wasn't calm at all how can you be calm. My names Tanner I said my friend I found her bleeding out I don't know what to do please help me I said in a fit of tears. I'm gonna help you okay where are you so we can send an ambulance *********** an ambulance is on it's way.

I'm gonna walk you through the steps to try and help her until than okay, you need to listen carefully you can't mess anything up. The dispatcher guy told me to get a towel and put pressure on the wound to try and stop some of the bleeding I found one on the counter I just grabbed he told me to find some tape to hold it together and I eventually found some after running around like a maniac. I taped the towel on her arm tight to try to stop some of the blood. And than he told me to check her pulse she wasn't breathing so I told him she wasn't breathing and started crying more. Tanner listen to me I know you wanna help your friend but you can't help her if your not calm he said. So I calmed down for her to help her. Do you know CPR? Yes I I I d do I told him stuttering. Ok I want you to do CPR okay remember not to fast not to slow think of the beat to staying alive just like that okay I did as told and hoped she would start breathing again.

I noticed the blade in her hand I wanted to cry even harder, wanted to let out all of my emotions but I didn't I stayed strong to help her, I needed to help her. The paramedics are 5 minutes out how are you doing he asked. She's suicidal she has a blade in her hand I could've helped her I should of helped her all the bullies I didn't do anything today to try to stop them I've only know her for 4 days and she's my best friend already I let this happen to her it's my fault I ramble on. It's not your fault Tanner none of this is your fault you were the one nice to her you showed her you cared it's not your fault. Soon the paramedics came and were trying to get me out of the way. I didn't want to leave her side I was trying to fight it. I know you care about your friend and wanna help her but we can't do that if you are in our way. I just nodded and backed up as tears continued to cloud my vision finally after what seems like forever they finally got her heart to start beating again, putting her on a gurney and into the ambulance. They let me ride with them so I can call her dad and so I can tell them exactly what happened so they know how best to help her.

Ahhhh to be continued I bet you wanna know what happens now don't you. I bet you even cried reading this I know I cried writing it. If you didn't listen to the song with it you have to it's better reading it that way but start when he gets to her or just start it over again whatever.
🎶:hold on- Chord Overstreet
Words: 1290

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