A somewhat ok day

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Ivy's POV:
Ivy get your but up. Ivy come on your gonna make us late my brother told me more like yelled at me. Ughh fine now get out so I can change. Bossy much my brother told me. You wanted me up now I'm up so get out. Alright alright relax I'm going don't hit me he said as he walked out the bedroom door closing it behind him. I've hit him before mostly for waking me up it left a bruise. Once I was changed and ready to go I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. Hey bro where's dad. He went to work early said he had a lot to do. Oh ok you ready to go. Ivy you haven't eaten breakfast he said. Uh yes I have I had a pop tart in my back backpack I ate that when I was getting ready I said trying to sound convincing.
Bro/Chad's POV:
I wasn't to convinced when she told me she already ate but I just ignored it. I know it may seem like I don't like her or care about her but i do I just don't show it. Ok let's go than I gotta get to practice and I can't be late. Coach can't have his star quarterback being late. She didn't say anything she just started walking passed me to the front door so I followed, getting in the car and heading to school. I have to go to school early everyday because of football practice and dads usually never home in the mornings because of work so I have to take her with me.
Ivys POV:
I hate having to go to school early, if I could sleep in I would not that I get much sleep anyways but last night wasn't bad thankfully. We finally reached the school and I practically jumped out as fast as I could. I don't really like my brother, we don't have the best relationship and he always acts stuck up. I bet if he could he would stop talking to me all together but we share a room with each other and he has to take me to school. He grabbed my hand rather hard, I tried not to show the pain on my face as he spun me around. See you after school remember I don't know you okay. I don't know why he always says that everyone knows we are brother and sister. I think he's just ashamed of me. I walked into the terrible place I call school, I have no friends and I hate my classes. The only class I really like is choir because it helps me express my emotions.
A couple hours later:
The day feels so long it's finally 7th period my favorite class cho- oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you the boy said. It's ok I wasn't really paying attention I said as I bent down to pick up my books. I'll get it he said it's the least I can do for bumping into you. He get's back up handing me my books as she stares into his eyes and let's of a slight smile. Um uh thanks I I should uh I should get going I stutter. Ya ok, I'm tanner by the way. I'm Ivy I say as I walk away. When I get to class I go in to see Mrs. folio my teacher she's one of the nice ones. I sit down and finally the late Bell rings as it does a familiar kid walks in the one who I bumped into, great. Hi I'm Mrs. folio the teachers greets him. I'm tanner sorry I'm late I'm still trying to find my way. That's okay, just have a seat so we can get started she tells him. Of course he sits right next to me. It looked like he was gonna say something but before he could the teacher cut him off ok class today we will be trying to improve your vocal abilities this will be graded on you doing it not how well you do. Pick a partner and you can choose which group goes first. There was always an even number so I never had a pattern but tanner asked if I wanted to be his partner. Um ya su sure I gue guess. 2 kids went up already and tanner pulled my hand surprising me and all the sudden we were up in front of the class the teacher picks out random songs from different genres so we didn't know what it was yet but I'm super nervous so I always go last. Ok tanner, ivy you can start whenever your ready the lyrics will be on the projector the teacher said. And than all of a sudden we were going.

The class applauded even the teacher I went and quickly sat back down. It was all probably just for Tanner. You were an amazing singer who knew you were that amazing tanner said. Uh th thanks I guess. The bell rang signaling class is over and we can finally go home. Goodbye class good job today you guys. Those of you who we couldn't fit in you will do it tomorrow. Tanner, ivy hold on she said as she came up to us good job today guys that was wonderful. Thanks is all i said as I was walking away. She didn't try to say anything else to me, she knows I have to hurry. Mrs. Folio and Tanner were still talking when I reached the door. Tanner I'm so glad to have you in my class she said. Thank you I'm glad to be in your class too. I love choir, I took it at my old school tanner said. My brothers gonna be mad if I'm late he has to take me home and come back for practice and if I'm late he gets mad at me because it makes him late. When I get to the parking lot I hear someone calling my name I turn around and Tanner is trying to catch up to me. Hey why did you walk out like that Tanner asks me. Oh uh I have to go to my brother he takes me home. Ivy stop flirting and let's go I don't have time for this, now get in the car I heard chad yell from his car. Um I gotta go I told Tanner see you in class tomorrow. By ivy. I walked away and got in the car with my brother whom I dislike. Who was that kid he asks. Just the new kid he's in my choir class I respond. When we get home I went straight to my room and went to bed it may have been only 4 but I didn't want to deal with anyone right now definitely not my brother, I'm also exhausted. I heard my brother coming so I quickly Laid down and closed my eyes. Seriously again my brother says your ridiculous. If you can hear me I'm going to practice he says. I hear him walk out of our shared room. I slowly drifted of to sleep.

It's not the best and it's a little long I will try to make them shorter
🎶 Alex and Sierra- little do you know

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