Back to school

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I didn't want to get up this morning but here I am eating breakfast with my brother watching me like a hawk to make sure I eat. I ate everything just to make him happy than went to the bathroom locked the door turned on the sink and started throwing it all up it's called purging I've done it forever to get out of the questions of not eating.

I have to go back to school well I don't have too I want too. Your probably thinking why? After all you went through at school? I want to because of Tanner he's the best thing that's happened to me in a while I don't want to loose him. I convinced my dad to let me go that Tanner and my brother are both gonna look after me. He agreed because of the boys but on one condition that I go see a therapist so looks like I'm seeing a therapist. I got torn out of my thoughts when my brother said it was time to go he didn't yell at me or anything he normally does in the morning he was nice he really is changing.

On the way to school we stopped at Tanners house to pick him up my brother and him decided it was gonna be a regular thing and I was all for it they seem to be getting along pretty well laughing erupted from the two very often on the way to school. To say I wasn't scared would be a lie. I was trying to hide my worry but I didn't do a very good job of it. Hey it's ok where gonna be right with you no ones gonna hurt you. Thank you I say as tears start to form in my eyes. Once my bro was parked I sat there not moving. He reached over me grabbing a Kleenex. Here wipe those ready eyes cause we have waves to make. It made me laugh making me feel better and more relaxed. We all got out of the car Tanner came and held my hand while Chad walked right on the other side they where like barriers a wall ready to attack anything that tried to get in. Aww look who's back. Shes so lame she couldn't even kill her self. Stares after stares. Whispers after whispers and some who didn't even try to be quite. I wanted to cry to turn away, go back home hiding forever but I couldn't the comfort of Tanners hand is what kept me sane for that I was grateful. HEY MIND YOUR OWN F**KING BUSINESS KNOCK IT OF OR YOU WILL BE SORRY I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT ALL OF YOU. I tensed up a little bit not expecting that from my brother. He gave me a hug and left as we were at my class. He whispered something in Tanners ear I wanted to ask what but I was pulled into class before I could. The rest of the day went by as soon as it came but it still felt slow, like it was never gonna end but it did. The last thing I remember was me and Tanner on my couch watching beauty and the beast before I feel asleep cuddle up into his warm comfy embrace with a smile on my face.

The next chapters might not be coming very fast the reason for that is I'm working on another story for when this is finished. If you have a song suggestion comment it and it will appear in the next chapter.
Words: 606
🎶: levitating- Dua lipa

The life of a broken girl حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن