Chapter 20

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"Fine. I guess I'll listen to what you have to say." I was pretty annoyed but my face didn't show it.

I kept a straight face even though I didn't like these people and really wanted to smack them. The girl who kidnapped Maria walked forward slightly.

"We need you guys back."

"Huh?" She needs us back. What the fuck does that mean? I stared at her utterly confused.

"If you don't come back the whole kingdom will fall apart." The guy said.


"You heard me before when I told you in the bathroom right. Well I was serious. We're your cousins except from a different world. Your also from there but you thought you were born as a human. Even your memories of us were erased."

My eyes went wide. I looked over at Maria. "I was the only one who remembered. I didn't tell you because you had no memories and also you would have thought I was crazy." Maria spoke quietly.

"Your the prince of that kingdom and we need you back."

"Th...This is crazy." I started backing away from them.


"No. I'm just a normal guy in a relationship, nothing else."

"Relationship!? When did this happen?" The guy grabbed my shirt and made me look at him. "Maria! Did you know?"

"No. I didn't. When did this happen, huh Noir?" She said mischievously.

I blushed a dark crimson and broke eye contact with them. "Oh." The all replied in unison.

"So who is she? Is she cute?" The boy said.

"C'mon Noir, we're curious. Especially Keith and Zaila." Maria was half giggling.

I took a quick glance at my watch. Shoot. I was supposed to be home an hour ago. Akira's gonna come looking for me, at least that's what he said.

"Noir tell us who she is." Zaila was in my face and I stepped back a bit.


"That girl I guess would be me." I turned around and saw Akira walking up. I knew it!

"Akira!?" They all looked at him wide-eyed.

"Wait have I met him before?" Maria was studying his real close.

"Ah no this is the first time you two have met."

"Really!? Well in that case I'm Maria, Noir's little sister and this is Keith and the girl is Zaila."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Akira." Akira smiled and shook their hands.

"Wait, does that mean you and Noir are dating. You said it earlier when you stepped it." Keith looked at Akira suspiciously.

"Yup we're dating." All of them stared in shock. I stood there with a dark crimson spread across my face.

"As proof..." He said and then he suddenly kissed me in front of all of them. Their jaws dropped open in complete utter shock of the situation.

My eyes were just wide as my face went even darker. He finally released and smiled.

"That was...Beautiful!" I just stared at my sister as she was bouncing up and down with a grin plastered on her face.

"Calm down, sheesh." I almost whispered it but made sure to say it loud enough so she could hear me.

"Anyway back to what we were talking to earlier. Noir c'mon let's go back home." Keith held out his hand.

"No. I won't go back. My life belongs down here. Not there." Akira stayed quiet since he didn't know what was going on.

"The kingdom will fall apart without you there!"

"Then let it fall apart. I've never seen it once. I've never lived there. If you want, save it by yourself."

"But Noir..."

"No. All of this is crazy." My voiced drifted off and I started running away from them. Its crazy. There's no way any of that is true.

I ran past a lot of people and made a few turns down the road. I finally stopped to catch my breath.

"No ones going to find you Pince." I turned my head in surprise to see guys standing there right before they captured me or techinacally kidnapped me.


(Akira's POV)

I went looking for Noir after they finned me in on what happened. I looked everywhere but still couldn't find him.

I turned down road after road and looked in some allyways. Nothing here either. I sighed as I kept looking. I went down the last road I haven't checked yet.

I saw something on the ground and picked it up. My eyes widened it was the bracelet I gave Noir. Since it was special type, it would only come off if he was in danger.

I looked around for anything else. Nothing. Is this the only thing that fell?

"Well it'll do." I ran back to the park to tell them. When they heard the news, they freaked out. Maria looked like she was about to cry.

I comforted her, telling her it would be alright and after that she stopped crying but still looked sad.

"All we have to do is find him."

"I agree. Let's split up. I'll contact y'all if I find anything. Same goes for all of you. Only contact me if something happens or if you found something out."

"Okay." After that we all slipt up and started looking.


(Unknown POV)

"We've brought him, Your Majesty."

"Let me see the boy." They threw the boy on the ground in front of me.

"Hey be careful with him" I hissed at them. They nodded taking a few steps back.

I examined him for a bit. "Are you sure this is him?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. His mother was hiding him in the other world."

"His mother? She knew our agreement. She knew she had to take him here when he turned sixteen."

I kept looking at the boy. "Oh well put him in a room for now, he looks exhausted."

"Yes, Your Majesty." They lifted the boy off of the ground and carried him away. Sixteens years and I finally get to see him.

A grin spread across my face. "Guess I can stop playing catch for now. All that's left is Maria. Then I can call back Keith and Zaila."

[Hey guys. I feel like I made it too long. I hope I didn't make it super long. Did you like this chapter little plot twist before the ending. If you have ideas for this book or my others please tell me.
Stay Awesome!


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