Chapter 10

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**The Dream**

I covered my mouth as the tears streamed down my cheeks. "I didn't want this to...happen!" I sobbed out and fell to my knees. My face was ruined by the tears that fell.

I watched the scene play out in front of my. The nightmare that I always have. My mother is cooking and some guy enters the house strangling her and stabbing her in the neck.

Then my stepfather is shot and hung from the balcony of our house. Its suffocating. I cant think straight. I cried harder when my little sister Maria was killed. These nightmares scare me.

I can't stand them as they mess with my mind. Fuck it. I can't stand it anymore. I grabbed a knife and stabbed myself. But by doing that I just dropped myself even further into the nightmare.

I opened my eyes as everything was burning. "What the...?" I held my hand to my mouth so I couldn't inhale the smoke. I coughed and squinted my eyes.

" that?" I faintly saw something but couldn't quite make out what is was. I was scared and started shaking. It was getting closer and closer. Suddenly I couldn't hear footsteps anymore.

I opened my eyes and it was right in front of me. "Don't be afraid Noir." A woman's voice broke the silence. "Who?" She lifted my face so I could see her. "Who are you?"

"Hehe, did you already forget me?" The woman smiled and giggled. I was afraid of this woman. I know her but I don't. It doesn't make sense though. I should know her but I have no clue who she is.

"Please tell me who you are!"

"Hehe that's for you to find out."

"Eh? Please I need to know!"

"Once you remember you can't go back. Do you still wish to remember?"

"Yes I want to remember everything."

"Then I shall grant your wish."

She touched my forehead and I went into a series of flashbacks.

**flashback number one**

"Aha there you are!" I grabbed my little rabbit from under a box and held it close to me.

"Don't run off again."

"Is that yours?"

I looked up after hearing the voice of a woman. I nodded and the woman smiled.

"What a cute rabbit!"

"My mommy got it for my birthday." I smiled at the woman and she smiled back.

**flashback over**

Did I know her at that age? I was confused when she pushed me into another flashback.

**flashback number two**

"Whats your name? The woman smiled down at me.

"Noir, what about you?"


"That's a pretty name!"

"Thank you." Elis gave me a hug and ruffled my hair.

**flashback over**

"Your Elis?"

The woman smiled and nodded. "You finally remember."

"Its been a long time."

"Yes it has. But you have to listen to me Noir. Now that you remember you won't be able to go back and you'll have to face what's up ahead."

"I'll be fine."

"Will you really?"

Elis looked serious but I nodded anyways. I can't be scared. Not now. Not ever. I have to face the darkness. If I can do that, then that will be the day when I'm set free.

If I can't then I will fail. I will be locked away forever and I'll never be able to see the light ever again.

[Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this next chapter. If you have ideas for this book or my other one please tell me.
Stay Awesome!


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