Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to the little dog barking. I stared at him for a moment and sat up trying to calm him down. "Akira shh."

I walked over and picked up the small dog. He looked at me and quickly shut up. I looked outside and saw a dark figure. I stared for a bit and shook my head.

I started to walk back to my bed when I heard a lout bang on my window. I whipped my head around to see the figure standing there. My eyes widened as I was clearly about to scream.

"Noir. Its me, Lilly. Let me in its ficking cold." I sighed as I opened my window and helped her in. "Why are you here Lilly?" I nearly hissed at her.

Lilly. She is the only person I have met so far who doesn't care that I have a girl name. My mom wanted a girl but instead she got a guy and decided to give me a girls name. "I came to see you before school tomorrow."

The girl smiled and held out a fist. "Hold out your hand." I put my hand out as she dropped something in it. "Here. For school tomorrow." She smiled as she saw me look at it. It was a bright blue pendent that shone in light.

(Akira's POV)

I looked at the pendent as Noir held it. I was looking back and forth between the pendent and Lilly. Tch, I don't like that girl. I glared at the girl from my spot on the floor.

She looked over at me and smiled. "Your dog is so cute." She came over and started petting me. I wanted to growl but since I was being a good dog I didn't.

When I fist met Noir I hated him. He didn't seem nice. He had a mean look on his face and when he talked it sounded like he wanted to punch someone. But then one day, I was lying in an ally way while it was raining and he showed up.

When he saw me he looked really sad. He came over, gave me food and fresh water. He petted me, and gave me a place to live. He kept me and has not once abandoned me. I love him. I love Noir and I won't let anyone, not even a girl, take him away from me.

I looked at the girl as she petted me. I hate this woman. I hated her with all my heart. I don't know how many times she tried to take Noir away from me.

(Noir's POV)

I looked at Lilly as she petted Akira. He seemed a little happy. At some point though I swear I saw him glaring at her. I thought he might not like her but after a second the glare was gone so I have no clue if he hates her or is just scared.

I smiled as Lilly petted him. It was like watching someone you love. I don't love Lilly, but I do like her as a friend.

"Lilly its time you should go."

"Your right. Sorry that I stayed a little too late."

"Its fine but I do need rest. See you tomorrow at school?"

"Of course." Lilly smiled at she hopped out of my window. She ran away from the house and disappeared a few minutes later. I turned back to see Akira waiting for me to lay down next to him.

I giggled and ruffled his fur. I layed down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

*Next day at school*

I yawned as I walked through the doors. I was still tired from the visit I got from Lilly. I swear. She takes everything too far. I walked in the classroom and sat at my desk. I was pulling my things out of my desk when I saw a letter.

I read the letter and was completely confused. I looked up only to see the new boy 'Akira' staring at me. He scared me. He noticed I was looking at him and he turned his head back to the front.

What the hell??? I stared at him and looked back at the anonymous letter. There was no name so I didn't know who wrote it. Did Akira possibly write this? I stared at the letter then back at him.

No way, right. I laughed at myself for thinking that. I then felt something lean on my back. "Guess who." I sighed as I pushed Lilly off of me. I really hate when she does that.

"What do you want Lilly?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to hang out with my friend." She giggled as I just looked at her. I looked back at Akira and saw him literally glaring at her. He looks like he's ready to kill her.

Man did he look pissed off. He was fine a minute ago, but when Lilly came in he totally changed into 'I'll fucking kill you if you touch him' mode. Does he really like me that much?

I don't even know him though. I'm soo confused. I don't even know why I'm confused.

I sighed and looked down at the letter. Who wrote this? I couldn't tell if it was Akira or Lilly. All I know is that the person who wrote it must really like me.

[Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter even though it sucks. I'm now starting this book and I hope you all enjoy it. If you have ideas for my other books please tell me. Stay Awesome!


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