Chapter 5

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I woke up in my bed somehow with a splitting headache and no idea how I got there. "What the...wasn't I with Akira in an ally way?" I questioned myself wondering what happened.

Did he possibly carry me home? Wow what a nice guy. I looked at my clock and flipped out.

I totally forgot that we had school today for 'certain reasons'. I got dressed as fast as possible and ran out of the house.

I finally arrived at school right on time and walked to my classroom. "Noir! Where were you? I though you forgot about today." Lilly just kept talking and talking. Damn woman, don't you ever shut up.

"I thought you would oversleep and wake up late." Akira came over and Lilly looked at him. Oh that's right, she doesn't know Akira and I are friends. Ha. I'm stupid.

"Why are you talking to Noir? You don't even know him!" She grabbed my arm and glared at him. What the fuck?

"For your info woman, Noir and I are friends." He glared right back but this time he scared me shitless.

"Umm no need to fight right."

"You stay out of it!" They both yelled and I backed away a bit. "Ah. Oh shit." Lilly smacked her head and turned towards me. "Sorry Noir." I was shaking really bad and refused to look up now.

When people yelled it made me think of my real dad. Akira didn't know what happend and was confused once again.

I was still shaking and as Lilly tried to approach me, I backed up. "Noir. I'm really sorry. Don't be scared."

Oh Hell No. That's just gonna make me scarder idiot woman. I instictivly back away and before I knew it I was in a full run. I could hear her calling me but I was too scared to turn back.

(Akira's POV)

I watched as Noir ran away and didn't know what to do. "What the hell? Why is he so scared?" Lilly looked at him and sighed.

"He hates it when people yell at him. He get scared easily and when you yell at him it reminds him of his real dad." My jaw dropped and I looked toward where he ran.

I clenched my jaw and ran after him. Shit. Noir, please don't run anymore. I finally found him in an abandoned classroom shaking like a leaf under a desk.


Noir whimpered and his further under the desk. "Are you okay?" I walked over to him and he, once again, had tears ruining his beautiful face.

I held my hand out but instead he backed up, away from me. "Noir, please don't be afraid of me. We didn't mean to yell." I gently took his hand and held it.

Fuck. He's really scared of me isn't he. "Noir please talk to me." He shook his head and hid it in his knees.

I felt really bad now. The one guy I really like and now I scare him seneseless. I'm really awful aren't I. I looked down in sadness and closed my eyes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and my eyes shot open. Noir looked at me with sad eyes but at least he wasn't shaking anymore. "Do you feel better?" He nodded and laid his head against me again.

I really do like him. I don't want to loose him, not after this. He looked at me and he finally had at least a faint smile on his face.

I smiled back and hugged him. "Don't scare me again like that." I whispered in his ear. He nodded slightly.

"Noir, I love you." I tilted his head up and kissed him straight on the lips forgetting everything at the moment.

(Noir's POV)

Akira tilted my head up and suddenly kissed me. Entranced in the kiss, I didn't want to let go but at the same time I wanted to run away.

I was caught by surprise and didn't know how to react. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me for what felt like forever.

When he finally ended the kiss our faces were both dark crimson as we stared at each other. Not being able to take it anymore I buried my face in his shirt.

I absolute refuse to let him see my face. He giggled and petted my hair. I blushed even more but in all honestly, I was really actually happy.

"Akira, you sent the letter, didn't you?"

"How did you know?"

"I could tell by the handwriting."

"I see..."

He looked down embarrassed but then smiled at me. "Well now you know how I feel. What now? Do you resent me? Hate me? Despise me? Love me?"

I sat there for a moment thinking. I smiled and grabbed his face. "Love you." I whispered and kissed him softly.

He slipped his arms around my waist and held me while we kissed. "I love you, Noir."

"I love you too."

After everything that happened we decided it would be best to head back to the classroom before we get in major trouble.

I honestly, truly love this boy. My thoughts are always filled with only him and from now on I will always think of him. For this is the only person I have fallen for.

[Hey guys! I hoped you loved this chapter. They KISS. OMG I LOVE IT! Fangirl overload. If you have ideas for this book or my others please tell me. Stay Awesome!


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