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At the junior college I attend... yes I am of college age now. Scary.

There are just some really gross people that are on campus. Like really REALLY gross. Like gross to the point where you just wanna gag, look the other way, and proceed to puke in the nearest garbage can.

But yes, being that I am now 18 and a high school graduate, I get to go to a college where people are even worse.


Let me just tell you some of the horrors I have witnessed while attending my classes and trying to be invisible.

1. Guys are constantly spitting on the sidewalks. CONSTANTLY. This one time I saw a couple a few feet in front of me holding hands, and the guy turned to the side, let loose a load of saliva, and then KISSES HER. Disgusting. Like excuse you? No. You need to go drink some mouth wash and eat a pack of gum asap.

2. People are always smoking... and it's not always cigarettes if you get my drift. But I hate how it all smells. Cigarette smoke is gross and makes my eyes water and cough hysterically until my lungs jump out of my throat. And weed smells like a skunk rolled around in some cow manure okay? Like stop. Go smoke at home you filthy animal.

3. Not many people are as hygienic as they should be. I fear for my life when I have to use the bathroom. I will hold in my pee if I have to just to avoid the bathrooms. Like excuse me? I don't fancy the idea of my butt indirectly touching yours. I don't know who you are, when you last showered, or what activities you participated in. No thank you.

4. I found a used condom in the bathroom stall I was using yesterday before my English class... let me tell you someyhing. PUT YOUR BOYFRIENDS UNUSED SPERM IN THE TRASH CAN OR BURN IT. BUT DONT JUST THROW IT ON THE GROUND. WE DONT WANT YOUR AIDS.

5. A lot of the guys are disrespectful when it comes to females. Like they call you out by calling you "baby girl" and "sexy" included with the annoying cat calls. Even if it's not directed towards myself, I still wanna punch their lights out.

6. Everyone is so loud. Always yelling and talking hella loud and in the most annoying ways. Can you all just shut up? Jeez. If the person you want to talk to is more than arms length away, don't scream at them about your weekend plans. Walk up to them, call them, text them. Just stop.

7. A lot of the sporty guys smell like sweat. If you're into sports, then at least have the decency to pack some deodorant, cologne, and even a clean shirt. I don't want my nostrils to be invaded by your body funk.

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