Bad Grammar

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This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to reading someone else's work on wattpad...

Why can't you use proper grammar and correct spelling? There's a tool called "spellcheck". And it gives you the correct spelling of a word if you aren't sure how it's spelled! *crowd gasps* Shocking, right? No. It's not shocking. Use effing spellcheck. 

Also, use proper grammar. I'm tired of coming across a story that has run on sentences, nouns that aren't capitalized, words that aren't capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, misuse of  punctuation, not starting a new paragraph when a different person talks, AND ESPECIALLY WHEN PEOPLE USE TEXT TALK IN THEIR STORIES. OH MY GOD. NO. STOP IT RIGHT NOW.

YOU ARE NOT TEXTING A FRIEND, YOU ARE WRITING A STORY. Why on earth do you think it's okay to use that? Example:

"Like omg! Wen u write a story, plz dnt write like this. U sound rlly stupid."

You weren't raised by wolves. Use proper grammar you heathen. -.- I'm not your English teacher.

But if I was I would smack you upside the head for being so ignorant and lazy with your use of the English language.

Can we all use propper grammar and correct spelling? Yes? Good. 

*Hands out stickers for writing correctly*

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