Fifty Shades Of No

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What is wrong with this world?

A Fifty Shades Of Grey movie...

ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? How this trilogy got so popular still astounds me beyond belief. Like seriously. The book is just porn you can read. It's porn put into words. I don't understand how people can go around saying it's a "good" book.

Honestly, I am so disappointed with society right now. And now the book is being turned into a movie. I'm sorry you guys. But if you go see that movie, y'all are just disgusting. Do you have no shame?

You are paying approximately $8 to go watch PORN in a theater with a bunch of other people. How can you not feel awkward? Ugh. Perverted weirdos.

I first heard about this book when I listened to Cry read a segment from it on YouTube. Now, at the time I had no idea what that book was about. I just clicked on it because God knows that man has a voice that could obliterate the ovaries of any woman.

Had to be said.

Now, to get back on track. I don't understand how a pornographic book could get so much hype. I'd much rather read/watch anime, Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, The Fault in Our Stars, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice.

ANYTHING. I would seriously rather watch all of the Twilight movies rather than Fifty Shades of Grey.And I frickin hate Twilight, so that's saying something right there. All in all, I really wish people would invest their time into making something more worth while.

Why can't the third Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr (My husband) and Jude Law movie be made instead?

Or more Narnia movies?

Or the new season of BBC Sherlock?

Why can't the new episodes of Black Butler be made faster?

Or the new chapters of the AOT manga be published?

Why can't someone buy me a family sized bag of cheese puffs?

ANYTHING BUT THIS TERRIBLE MOVIE. Does it even have a plot? Because from what I've heard, it's about this woman who gets involved with this crazy sadistic mofo, they have weird sex a lot, she leaves him a few times, comes back, and they get married or some shiz.

That's not even interesting. It's just gross.

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