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So I kinda just recently realized that you guys only hear about the things that make me angry and piss me off... I hope you don't have a really negative opinion about me and think that I'm always complaining... Because I can be pleasant when I want to be... Unless you and I are like two peas in a pod... Then I complain 24/7.

But for the sake of this new part... I'll just list 20 things that make me happy.

1. Long phone calls

2. When my jam comes on right when I'm singing it

3. That feeling of freshly shaved legs. Yes Lord.

4. Long hugs

5. When guys smell ahhhhmazing

6. Homework-free weekends

7. Holiday breaks

8. Lord of the Rings

9. Harry Potter

10. Shopping... cliche I know

11. Chocolate... Also very cliche

12. When guys have MANNERS. UNF YES

13. Good hair days

14. When my eyeliner is even on BOTH sides

15. When people DON'T screenshot my snapchats...

16. When guys tell you you're pretty, cute, or beautiful instead of hot, sexy etc. It's just cuter ok?

17. When I find souvenirs with my name on it

18. Road trips

19. Junk food... Or food in general

20. Getting new chap-sticks

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