No Rhythm

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I'm back. And with more complaints.

So yesterday my family and I went to church just like every Sunday in the history of ever. But during worship I couldn't pay attention to the songs or be in a good mood because there were not one. Not two. But three. THREE PEOPLE AROUND ME CLAPPING OFF BEAT.

I literally cannot stand it when people clap to some imaginary rhythm.

Like can you not?

So needless to say I was in the pew behind one of these rhythmless humans trying to clap excessively loud in an attempt to make her realize she was off beat. But no. It didn't work.

Like 90% of the church was clapping to the right rhythm. So why couldn't they?

And I don't go to a church with like 100 people. There's a TON of people in my church cause the building is effing HUGE. There's at least 700-800 people in there on a Sunday morning.

Not to mention a full band on stage. And singers WHO ARE ALSO CLAPPING.


I will literally position you between two giant symbols and repeatedly bash you over the head with them to the beat of the song until you learn to clap correctly.

Stop stressing me out.

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