I Hate My Neighbors

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Now, I'm not just complaining about one neighbor, I hate all of the neighbors on my cul-de-sac. And for those of you who don't know what a cul-de-sac is, it's basically where the street you live on is shaped like a "U" and it's a dead end.

Anyway. The neighbors to my left are annoying because the father plays heavy metal music whenever I'm reading... Which is annoying because I can't focus with that e.e STOP IT. Also, in a few chapters back in this rant book, "Little Beasts" I mentioned how his son is a douche bag and always in the street thinking he is invincible compared to a car. No, you little brat.

My neighbors on the right are even more annoying because they are loud ALL THE TIME. They get up and unholy hours, such as 7 am. And they go outside to do YARD WORK EVERY DAY. And they're out there talking super loud, the two sons are screaming and laughing too loud, and the father is always yelling at them in Chinese to be quiet. It's so damn annoying because I never get any peace or quiet when they are outside. Which is like 10 hours a day. I want to scream. They are actually all outside right now and the sons are splashing around in the pool, screaming... *Pulls hair out*

My neighbors across the street from me are Indian. Now, I know nothing about Indian culture, but DAMN THESE PEOPLE HAVE THE BIGGEST PARTIES I'VE EVER SEEN. They aren't loud, which is good. Like, you don't even know they are there until you see effing 80 CARS PILED UP ON THEIR SIDE OF THE STREET. And sometimes they all go out to the cul-de-sac and dance... And I just wanna bulldoze 'em all down, and tell them to go back inside.

The neighbors at the end of my street probably piss me off the most, because the two sisters and I used to be friends when we were younger. But their frickin mother was so rude. She told my mom that her daughters needed to focus more on school than friends. And she literally never allowed us to see each other again. I hate her.

My neighbors next to the Indian family have frickin five chihuahuas. And I hate those rats. You can always hear them barking when a car pulls up in their driveway.

And now, my neighbor at the very end of the cul-de-sac... He's just some weird old white man. He thinks everything causes cancer... And he's actually really scarry. One time when I was younger, my friends and I made a lemonade stand, and he drove by and got out of his car, and literally gave us like a ten minute lecture on how we put too much sugar, and that sugar feeds cancer cells.

Now, I know that sugar can actually feed cancer cells. But seriously, at the time we were all like 1st graders.

I didn't even know what cancer or cells were.

The point is, is that I hate my neighbors. Now, don't try to say I'm racist okay? Just because I pointed out the nationality of my neighbors. I dislike all people equally c:

There are only a select few people that I like.

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