Return to Unpleasentville ~ Part 2

Start from the beginning

"There isn't much to. Your a star student Josie, you have an A in my class, umm..."

"Hey! Alaric!" We hear from behind him, Jenna walking up to him.

"Hey, look at you."

"I'll take that as my cue. Bye Dr.Saltzman, Ms. Sommers."

"You make me feel old Josie!" I hear her yell while I'm walking away.

I laugh a little.

~~Hope's POV~~

I'm standing with Elena, the boys no where in sight.

They are hiding so maybe they can get a jump on the other vampire.

Hopefully, they don't know about me yet, which is why I'm standing by Elena. If she gets attacked, I can fight back. ( I DID IT AGAIN ! HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Give the guys an aneurysm. Maybe a venom filled-werewolf bite.

Caroline and Bonnie then walk up to us.

"Having fun?" Elena asks the girls.

"No, but this took about 2 hours," Caroline says, motioning to her outfit before continuing, "So, I'm staying at least half of that."

"What's Damon doing here?" Bonnie asks, looking over Elena's shoulder and seeing the vampire brothers.

"Long story Bonnie." I say, making eye contact with her.

"He wanted to come. I promise. He'll behave."

"So what os this, like, a threesome now, you and the Salvatore brothers?" Caroline asks.

I admit, I laughed a little, earning me a glare from Elena.

"No, but if I'm gonna be with Stefan, the I have to learn to tolerate Damon."

I almost laugh again. Tolerate Damon? You marry him Elena. I think you do a lot more than just tolerate him.

"It's not like I can kill him." Elena finishes.

At that, I do snort, while Bonnie says, "There's a thought."

"Mmm. I'll help. What about you Hope?" Caroline asks me.

"Nah. I'm fine. You three need your revenge more than me." I point out. I really didn't have anything aganist Damon.

Caroline and Bonnie knock their glasses together, like signing their name on the paper to kill Damon.

Elena just shakes her head.

~~A Little Later~~ Still at the Dance~~

Damon walks up to us, as in me, Caroline, and Bonnie. Elena left not to long ago. I wave, he waves back.

"Hi, Bonnie. Wanna dance?" He asks while getting glared at by Bonnie and Caroline.

I resist the urge to laugh. 2009 was so funny.

"I'm out of here." Is all Bonnie says before walking away,or trying, about to leave me and Caroline behind.

"Be nice Damon." I say.

"Please, give me another chance." He asks Bonnie.

"Wow. Is that a please from Damon Salvatore?" I exclaim sarcatically.

He just gives me the middle finger, as I laugh.

Bonnie walks away from Damon.

Damon goes to go after her, when Caroline stands in front of him.

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