Chp. 11- Rumors Rivalries

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Percy's POV.

I see Leo, with wobbling knees carrying an unconscious Calypso.

I feel a pang of guilt, then I'm worried for her. More worried than I should be.

I jog over to Leo, his eyes are weary and I can smell monster dust on him.

And Calypso- sweet Calypso. She was limp in his arms, battered and bloody from an obvious monster attack.

Leo appears to be out of breath. I'm the only camper out, I had mastered avoiding harpies for late night visits to Annabeth.

"Leo- " I am completely shaken. What happened out there?

"Hellhound." He murmurs. His eyes are rolling back from exhaustion.

"Oh my gods. Are you two okay?" I ask, only looking at pale Calypso.

"I-I am. But her.." His eyes well up.

It occurs to me- he thinks she's dead. I heart does a flip or three at the thought of Calypso being dead.

I instantly start looking for signs of her not breathing, her face looks starch white on her usually fair completion. I try to check her wrist for a pulse, and I don't find one.

My heart plummets down to Tartarus.

I check again and again, I see Leo with large tears rolling down his monster dust covered cheek.

The seventh time, I check her neck. I feel a slight thump thump thump, and I grin ear to ear.

"She's alive." I say and try to comfort Leo.

He doesn't say anything, the Bad Boy Supreme started to sob.

Turns out he has a weak spot, love.

"We better get her to the infirmary." I say and frown.

He hasn't put her down or complained, so I decide to step in. I see his arms trembling around her light body.

"Hey man. I can take her. You look exhausted." I say flatly.

"N-no." he states and glares at me.

"Okay, need help let me know."

"I don't need help. She's like a twig for gods sake." He says, defending his girlfriend.

"Okay okay I get it." I roll my eyes at his defensiveness and begin to walk to the infirmary.

Leo's POV.


Percy was ticking me off. 'Oh, I'm a son of Poseidon I don't have a curfew.' Not to mention he just witnessed me sobbing and basically insulted Calypso.

Everyone knew as well as I did the stories of Percy and Calypso that circled around camp. How he arrived on her island, she fell in love with him, broke her heart and left her coldly. Turns out he didn't love her.

I didn't care if that version was true or not. I had heard enough.

I really wanted him to go back to his cabin, it was too late for sorry. Whatever he did to her anyway.

"Percy, go to you cabin. This is under control." I glare at him under my floppy hair.

"You know what, fine dude. I can take a hint." He throws up his hands in defeat, before shoving them in his jean pockets and walking toward his cabin.

I breath a sigh of relief, and continue up the hill to the Big House.

I see nymphs lounging on the porch, and rush to one one I recognize. I believe her name was Juniper.

"Hey, Leo is it?" She calls from the distance with a wide smile, that slowly diminishes as she sees Calypso.

She rushed to a loudspeaker and yelled "Healing nymphs, Emergency!" She said, urgency in her usually sweet voice.

I feel the tears come back, but I know they are over reacting. They must be.

A few try to take her from my arms, but there's no way in hades I'm letting them.

They sigh in defeat, and lead me to the urgent care section of the infirmary.

No sleep. No breaks.

She sits propped up on the infirmary bed by white pillows, along the outside purple and blue thread to try to make the place seem more comforting.

The stitching of pillows isn't helping.

The steady beep beep beep of machines keep my hopes up, and the doctors have properly fixed her up.

They tried to help me too, but I wouldn't allow it.

She has a hard cast around her delicate arm, all the way to her elbow. There's a white bandage almost covering her whole leg, and it has herbs to keep the hellhound scratches from getting infected. The stuff burns like hades, but I known it'll help.

She's so peaceful sleeping. I hold her small limp hand in mine, just waiting for it to move.

After a few hours, she starts to stir. My heart leaps with joy, as her beautiful eyes open and I can't help but smiling like a little kid in a candy store.

"L-Leo?" Her shaky voice asks.

It chokes me up, because this whole thing was entirely my fault.

"Yes, Sunshine?" I manage to say.

"T-thanks." She says.

"I would kill a thousand monsters for you." My voice cracks and betrays me.

"N-not only for that." She pulls me into a kiss, and a smile plays across her lips as she slips back into sleep.

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon