Chp. 16- Mistakes and Mending

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Annabeth's POV.

I was practicing dagger fighting with Piper, sweat trickled down the side of my face and into my curly blonde locks.

Piper was tiring rather quickly, and I thought it was strange. Usually Piper was a good opponent, well trained and stealthy. But today it seemed something was bothering her.

"Something wrong Piper?" My voice came out in raspy breaths, barley audible over the clashing of our daggers.

"I am perfectly fine. Great, actually." Sarcasm lingered in her voice, but I ignored it.

Instead, in a neat move I kicked my left foot out and easily tripped her, and Piper lost her balance and toppled to the ground. With my dagger at her neck, I didn't say a word and just walked away.

When I looked back, Piper was still laying on her back on the ground exactly where I left her, just staring at the sky.

After putting my armor away in the armory and cleaning up, I made my way to that wonderful blue cabin. With my hair pulled into a classic ponytail, CHB shirt, and my favorite blue shorts, I felt quite cozy. I loved being able to be myself around Percy.

I knocked on his door happily, and he opened it after about 5 minutes and more banging on the door.

My seaweed brain was a mess. He looked as if he had just woken up, his black hair was swept to one side of his face, and his eyes looked tired. He also wasn't wearing a shirt, and I realized a little too late that I was staring, and I but my lip and hope he didn't notice.

He just smiled and pulled me into a tight hug, he smelled like coconut and salt water. And gods I loved him for it. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and just enjoyed his presence. How did I possibly get so lucky?

"Annabeth." His voice was ragged, as if he had just woken up. It was 5 in the afternoon.

I didn't let him go, but he pulled away. I could tell in his sea-green eyes something wasn't right. I wanted to just go to the beach, where we could sit there and watch the sun go down. And the waves would soothe him and wash his worries away.

"I'm so sorry." Tears were welling in his beautiful eyes, threatening to spill over.

"What do you mean?" My voice was slightly wobbly. I didn't understand.

"For everything." He practically sobbed, the ocean melting in his eyes as the tears streaked down his cheeks.

"Percy-" I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. I instantly knew what he was sorry about.

His tears didn't stop, and he started shutting his cabin door. I let him, and stared at the wood as it shut in my face.

I couldn't get the blood-red lines on his perfect skin out of my mind.

Leo's POV.
Everyone seemed super sad lately, so I thought I might work a little repair boy magic and cheer up everyone. I thought that I would take everyone to the beach, and maybe Everyone would seem a bit livelier.

I invited the 7 to the lake tonight, including Ina and Calypso. Those two had been talking a lot lately, and they seemed to be very good friends. They were almost always hanging out with each other.

But that Ina.. She was a strange one. Well, since I died I've gotten weird feelings about certain people. Maybe it's a being dead and coming back thing, but if Ina makes Calypso happy, then I'm happy.

I was planning to tell them all tonight, and hopefully everyone would get out of this bad mood and we could all be happy again. I truly hate seeing people upset, and I plan to make my friends cheerful again.

Frank's POV.

The pounding in my head wouldn't go away. It sounded like when Leo was working in the forges, only it was inside my head.

When I got the invite to go to the beach, I immediately knew I wasn't going. But Leo had his tricks. He used a small machine to get us all out of our cabins, it looked like a radio only it shot out shaving cream until the entire cabin was filled with it and we were forced out.

Angry Ares campers even started trying to slash with their swords through it, but it proved pointless and just made them furious.

I trudged down to the beach despite the throbbing, and plopped down next to Hazel on the glittering sand. She didn't look much better than I.

"Hey." I managed.

"Do I look as bad as I feel?" She asked, and we both laughed.

"You always look beautiful." I said and smiled.

"Really Frank, sometimes you are too kind to me," she just shook her head and grinned. "Sometimes I don't think I deserve you." She finished.

"Same here." I simply said, because I couldn't even think straight right now.

We sat on the beach for a while, and waited for the others. It was about ten minutes until I saw Percy and Annabeth walking to us, Annabeth almost never taking her eyes off of Percy. As if she was scared to let him out of her sight, which I found strange.

Annabeth offered a small smile, but I could tell it was fake. She sat down on the sand beside Hazel, and Percy sat next to her.

It was just a few more moments until the rest of the 7 appeared, along with Ina and Calypso. It was quite obvious to tell that most of us were feeling sick, but we all greeted each other with smiles.

"Sup, guys." Leo grinned broadly, and he happily set up a umbrella with a chair under it for Calypso, considering her leg was still bandaged.

"Ughh." Hazel groaned and laid her head in my lap.

"That's what I thought. And that is why, my friends, we are here today. Seems you all need some cheering up." Leo smirked.

"But first, some things need addressing." He turned serious, and suddenly everyone paid attention.

(I'm trying for longer chapters, 1000 words at least. How am I doin? And I am also SO SO sorry that it's taken so long. Thank carmsies, she really motivated me with her comment lol. So thank you, and I'll try to update more.)

*1075 Words*

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz