Chp. 12- Regret

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Piper's POV.

This new girl, Calypso, is getting on my last nerve. First, she hugs Jason. In front of the whole camp. And how she wonders into the woods after curfew and get attacked, now everyone is pitying her?

I mean, I did threaten her and try to kill her but.. I gave her the benefit of the doubt for the first ten seconds I saw her.

Now, not so much.

The whole camp was buzzing about the attack. Most of the Aphrodite kids were freaking out that a hellhound would come knocking at our door.

Annabeth, Hazel and I were going to visit Calypso in the infirmary and I am not happy about it. They practically dragged me all the way there.

"Oh my gods, Calypso!" Hazel shrieks.

She had a cast on her poor little innocent arm and a bandage covering her whole leg. Oh, poor girl. Even the sarcasm in my mind was unbelievable.

"You can go now." Leo glares at us and Lost Girl slowly opens her eyes.

"I-it's fine." She says.

That innocent little-

"Here, we brought you some candy and a Coke," Annabeth winks. "It's hard to smuggle this stuff in, but if you talk to the right Hermes kid they can get almost anything in here." Annabeth laughs, interrupting my thought.

"Thank all of you, for being kind to me." She says weakly, looking at each of us then stopping when she got to me.

"What?" I snap.

"Piper." Annabeth says in a commanding voice. She knows how much I don't like Lost Girl.

She herds us all out leaving Leo and Lost Girl alone.

Percy's POV.


She violated every thought that crossed my mind. Everything made me think of her.

What am I saying? It's too late for sorry. I broke her sweet heart and left her.

The smell of salt water lingers in the air in Cabin 3. I stare at the ceiling on my lonely bunk, clutching one of her moon flowers to my chest.

Why did I leave her?

A knock sounds on my door, and I jump and drop the flower. It flutters aimlessly to the ground.

The person knocks again, louder this time. I guess I have to get up.

With a sigh, I trudge across my Cabin and open the door. Standing there, is the girl with curly blond hair that I love.

Right, I'm in love with Annabeth.

She smiles wildly making me feel guilty. Was I really just mourning Calypso? No, I would take Annabeth over her anyday.

Why am I thinking about this?

"Hey Seaweed Brain. Wanna grab some coffee later and we can catch a movie?" She asks.

"Yeah, sounds great." I lean down and kiss her, until I hear giggling of Aphrodite kids and we break apart. Annabeth gives them a death glare, but that doesn't dare ruin her happy mood.

"I love you, see you later." She walks over to her cabin and I shut the door to mine.

I slide down against my door. Why is my mind so messed up?

Calypso's POV.

I feel so stupid, how did I let this happen.

My leg ended up getting infected from the claws of the hellhound, and I'm in this stupid wheelchair. Ugh I'm so stupid. This is stupid.

Leo try to reassure me it's okay, but that was a night I will never forget. Not for a while.

Leo wheels me down the ramp of the Big House, and I can't avoid the stares of campers.

He makes a quick circle around the gathering campers, and we escape into Cabin 9.

The campers inside barley give me a second look, the learned their lesson and I'm sure Leo threatened them.

He goes to work on the bench my his bed, fiddling with some parts but still has a watchful eye on me.

I read a novel by my bunk, and I hear the dinner horn sound. All the campers walk single fine toward the pavilion, laughing and shoving one another like they had been friends for years. Well, maybe they have.

I decide to skip dinner, I tell Leo to go on without me. He was hesitant at first, but eventually went with the rest of his siblings.

I relax and read a novel to pass time, and a voice startles me.

"Calypso? Oh my gods.." They say.

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Where stories live. Discover now