Chp. 15- Strange Things

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Hazel's POV.

I had been sensing strange things lately... being a daughter of Hades and all. I felt that things were changing in the underworld, things beyond my fathers control.

When we defeated Gaea and closed the doors of death, that prevented any more of the dead from returning.

I sigh in annoyance, and hop up from my bunk in the darkened Hades cabin. I mean, the guys The Lord of the dead, but they couldn't at least add a window?

As I left the cabin, I felt a presence. But as soon as I turned around, the feeling vanished.

Oh great, I'm finally going paranoid.

Shuffling out of the cabin and trying to forget the.. encounter, I hike up the green grassy hill and the summer air soothes my nerves.

Seeing the red cabin from a few hundred feet away, I break into a run.

Frank greeted me with open arms, bringing me into a comforting hug that lifted me off the ground.

"Hey Hazel." He gave me a bright smile.

"Hi," I manage. My voice sounded like a croaking noise, and Frank frowned.

"Are you sick?" he had a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine," I lied, with my voice cracking. "I just think I'm loosing my voice." And my mind.

"Shut up!" I screeched at my subconscious, and Frank jumped back.

"Hazel?" I saw hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Frank, I didn't mean you." I felt the prominent bags under my eyes, and I knew it was probably just from lack of sleep.

"Let me know if you need anything." He frowned and walked away.

I just rubbed my temples and nodded, and I felt his gaze on me.

What the Hades is wrong with me?

Calypso's POV.

My wounds from the run-in with the hellhound were healing nicely, better than I expected.

I was out of the wheelchair, now I just had a cast going up to my knee, and you could see the scar from the scratches peeking out of the top of it. I asked why I couldn't just have a bandage, and the healers said because I wasn't completely rid of the poison yet.

The cast made it a bit difficult to walk, but I was just glad to be on my feet.

Leo was making a hairpin for me, crafted from shining gold and sweet glittery pink gems. It was intricately designed, the gold forming swirls and flower petals. The pink gems were expertly crafted into roses. My heart swelled with joy, that Leo cared enough about me to make something like this.

I walked over to him, and planted a kiss on his cheek. He smiled, not losing his focus from the hairpin.

Gods, I love him.

Percy's POV.

"That's it! Now block it and sidestep to avoid the blow!" I yelled over the clanking of our swords.

"Like this?" She asked with a sly grin, performing the move flawlessly.

I gape at her in awe, and she knocks me to the ground, Riptide skidding across the dirt floor and her blade at my throat.

How did she disarm me so quickly, and showing mastery of that step?

"Good game, Percy." She grinned and sheathed her sword, offering a hand to help me up. Her beautiful eyes were glittering with amusement.

"Well done Ina. How did you master that step, and disarm me in the process?" I ask.

She stiffened, but opened her mouth slowly to answer my question.

"I must have sword-fighting in my blood." She said quietly.

"But you're a child of Aphrodite, and this was your first training session." I question her further.

Ina fidgeted, and reluctantly answered.

"Beginners luck." She said and casually and walked off.

Who was she? I had a feeling in my gut she wasn't who she claimed to be..

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant