Chp. 8- Singing Birds

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^^ if y'all aren't okay with the different POVs tell me. Okay? Okay. ^^

He takes my hand and leads me back to the cabin. When we get there, I dry off and put on a nightgown. Leo gives me a look like 'Really?' But let's it go probably remembering I was born hundreds of years earlier.

He grins and pulls me into his arms, making a shiver run down my spine because my night gown is made of thin, shiny material.

I blush and twirl with the ribbon I used to tie up my hair like I always do.

He smirks pulls it out as I give him a playful glare.

"I like your hair flowing." He kisses my neck and retires to his workbench for the night, and I give up on pulling back up my hair.

I go to my bunk that us next to his, and set my clothes in a trunk and my cutoffs and t-shirt in the hamper in the closet.

I pull out one of my favorite original novels, and flip it open.

As a bookmark near the middle of my book, I see one of my moon flowers from Ogygia. I feel a twinge of guilt in my heart for leaving there, but my heart is even more happy to be here.

I pull it out and set on top of my trunk, it still has a faint blue light around it.

I stare at it, and I didn't even know why. Guilt? Missing something? Everything I wanted was here, so I have no idea why the moon flower has any significance, or why I was saving it.

I put it back in my book, I can't stand to look at it any longer. By now everyone in cabin 9 is looking at me, probably thinking I was a weirdo chick twirling a wilted flower. Great.

I shove the novel into my trunk neatly with the others, and stand up to leave. They were all looking at me and I didn't want to be their oddity.

I feel self-conscious as my thin nightgown flies behind me as I storm toward the door, with my small hands balled into fists at my sides. I know all eyes are on me.

I open the heavy door and let it slam behind me. I get several whistles from demigod boys and my cheeks flush red half from anger, and half from embarrassment.

I was walking to fast and I didn't even know where I was going, I just knew it was away from here.

I spot a path leading into dark woods, and almost run to it. Right now, the woods were my escape from this judge mental place.

Moonlight sprinkles through the gaps in the leaves, and I start to relax a bit. But there was no way in Tartarus I was stopping here.

After walking for a few minutes, I come to a pause. These woods were beautiful at night, and so carefree. I hear the birds chirping lovely tunes in the moonlight, and the crickets seem to get right along with them.

I hum a song and the birds catch the tune. Before I know it, I was singing a song I wrote while waiting for Leo. The birds happily chirp along to the song, and I happily sing with them.

This feeling was good, if only it would last.

Leo's POV.

I watch as she storms out of cabin 9, to my horror. I had no idea where she was going, what if she got hurt? What if she's lost? What if she's cold??

Gods, I'm in love.

I give everyone in my cabin my signature death glare, and I am seriously considering filling their pillows with shaving cream and letting some hungry harpies loose in here with all of them and lock the door.

Too far.. But they were really ticking me off. I wanted to go and make each of them suffer, but I rush out the door in a panic to find her.

I was running all around camp, sprinting actually. Checking the pavilon, lake, armor rooms, rock wall, even the Big House as much as I hated it there. Nobody seemed alarmed, but how could they not be? Calypso was missing, and I was losing my mind with all the possibilities that may have happened.

I rake my fingers through my hair angerily, and mutter a few curses. Passing campers look at me like I'm a madman, and there not entirely wrong. I felt lost without her, my thoughts were consumed my her, how did I let this happen?

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