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The Archer

I grumbled and turned into my side

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I grumbled and turned into my side. My entire right leg stung along my left shoulder and hand. First I get shot in the face, giving me holes in my cheeks, and now I'm littered with stings, holes and cuts.

Eh, I've dealt with worse...

I remember when I was younger... about 40 years younger, since I'm 475 years old currently. I remember when I was 435 years old... good times, 1950... when I was captured by a group of people who torchered me for about 20 years for their sick pleasure before I escaped. I remember their sneers and hearing their insults as they lashed out at my battered and beaten body. I growled in remembrance.

Stupid humans...

I hate humans... they trash the ocean and never worry about the melting ice caps. I know when people will say that 'oh you haven't met the good ones!' Trust me... I have. Good is an overstatement, they are down right despicable. I've seen them poach my friends and slaughter their own blood.

I felt my arm sting as the pain grew worse. I jerked up, only to be greeted by a room full of crusaders. I looked around, my gaze landed on the farthest corner where Mr.Joestar and Avdol sat in lounging chairs, sleeping with an object over their eyes. Mr.Joestar had his hat tilted down his face as Avdol had a scarf like cloth covering his eyes. I looked to the left corner and found Diana and Kakyoin cuddled against each other on a couch in front of a tv that was off. I noticed, under the moonlight, Diana had tear stains down her cheeks... as if she cried the entirety that she was both awake and asleep. I frowned under my mask. I looked further to the left and saw another bed, much like the one I was on, but with a sleeping Vincent and Jotaro upon it. I shifted my head fully to the right to see Polnareff and Grandma Luna in chairs.

Luna sat in a chair near my feet while Polnareff was scooted very close to my bed. Only now did I notice he had my hand in one of his. I looked down as I felt weight on my feet and gazed at the two dogs on my feet, huddled against each other for warmth. I took a gander once more at everyone. I worried them all... guilt grew inside my mind and started to eat me up like a four course meal. Guilt ate at my heart as I switched my gazed back to Polnareff's hand grasping mine, as if I'll wilt away at any moment.

I gently squeezed his hand and removed some of the sheets off my body. I was in a large lavender tank top, I think it's Jotaro's... since it smells like the ocean mixed with bamboo and vanilla, and someone's black sweatpants. I guess it's Jotaro's as well... it was a little tight around my waist and butt, as well around my thighs but it still hung low on my waist, uncovering more of my waist than I would like. I swung my legs over the side and made sure not to wake the dogs.

Best to let sleeping dogs lie

I rubbed the top of Iggy's head gently as his tail wagged happily. I smiled slightly but flinched in pain at the burning sensation all along my right arm. I gazed down and saw my entire arm, from the wrist to the elbow, was in stitches. I could see that I also had a cast on. I looked at my left hand...

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