fourth x phase

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Azuki: what the hell?

I head towards the noise and see that it's Killua fighting two of the triplets

Azuki: yo, Killua, save one for me!

Killua: whatever, you can take the one behind you

I look behind me and see my target about to punch me, not having enough time to dodge I raise my shovel to block only for the punch to break right through my shovel and send me tumbling on the ground. I stand up groaning a little now visibly pissed

Azuki: that was a $20 shovel I stole from a farmer asshole!

I toss my now broken shovel to the side and raise my fists

Azuki: fine then, you wanna go? Let's dance!

We both start slowly walking towards each other with our fists raised. The triplet makes the first move and tries to punch me multiple times which I dodge with ease, I then jump over his sweep attack and duck under the jump kick he follows up with. Still slightly crouched, I pull back my fist and hit him right in the dick. The guy screams in pain as I stretch out my legs getting ready for my next attack

Azuki: time to show off a little

I run up to my opponent and kick his face and immediately follow up with a kick to the stomach, I then pivot my foot and kick his face with my other leg. Afterwards I get into a handstand and start spinning rapidly while kicking him

Azuki:*thinks* faster Azuki, faster!

I start rotating faster as my left foot catches fire

Azuki: now!

I sweep the triplet's legs and quickly get into a handstand position with my now flaming foot pointed at him

Azuki: take this! Burning corkscrew!

I push myself off the ground and kick the guy in the chest before spinning like a drill dealing massive burn damage. While still in the air, I kick the triplet in the head with my non-burning foot and then finish him off with a downward kick that was so epic it had to be shown three times on repeat just to show the sheer awesomeness of it. The triplet is then sent to the ground with a visible burn on his chest. I land on the ground and wipe the ashes off my now bare foot

Azuki: that was for my shovel, you dick

Killua: what the hell-

Azuki: what?

Killua: how did you do that?!

Azuki: simple, I spun really fast which built friction between the air and my leg. Then I just kept spinning until my foot caught fire

Killua: just how fast are you?

Azuki: fast enough. Now, I should get going

I take the number card of my target and fly off as a bird


It is now he final day and I managed to steal a pair of shoes from some idiot who tried to attack me, obviously I cleaned them before putting them on because ew. After a bit of waiting the rest of the gang shows up

Kurapika: so how was it?

Everyone starts saying how their experience with this phase was

Gon: so what about you Azuki? Did you find your target?

Azuki: of course I did, and they were quite easy too

Kurapika: what happened to your shoes?

Azuki: one of them got burned

Leorio: how exactly?

Azuki: it's........complicated, at least for your level of intellect

Leorio: why you!

Azuki: no need to get your panties in a bunch, I know you're not be THAT dumb. Geez some people need to learn to take a joke

The lady from earlier starts speaking

Lady: congratulations on passing the fourth phase. The following contestants passed: Hisoka, Hanzo, Pokkle, Podoro, Gitarakurr, Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, Azuki, and *insert random guy with two sickles strapped to his back, I still have yet to think of a name for him*

Azuki:*thinks* yeah no shit I passed, I'm not some novice

Lady: you will all be taking the hunter association aircraft to the exam point

With that said, we head on to the aircraft and we are immediately greeted by the examiners

Netero: first of all I commend you on your hard work. It is quite rare for us to have seven rookies out of eleven. The final exam will be in 3 days so I suggest you get some rest

Leorio: wait but what is the final exam?

Netero: it's.......a secret

Netero laughs as him and the other examiners walk out

Azuki: well, I can kind of get an idea of what it will be

Leorio: well? What is it??

Azuki: well I don't want to spoil it for you guys, where's the fun in that?

Leorio: you jerk! Why are you like this?!

Azuki: I have no idea

Misfortune (Hunter x Hunter x female OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin