fourth x phase

68 3 0

Welp, I'm not sure what to say. Let's just say we get on the ship and make it to the fourth phase. Once we get off the ship a lady is there and she greets us

Lady: congratulations on passing the third phase. You will not be doing the fourth phase. I will explain to you the rules

We all start listening

Lady: everyone will come here and pick out a card from this box. The number on that card is gonna be your target's number card. So if I pick up the number 150, the person with the number 150 will be my target. You have a total of four days to complete this phase. You must all collect six points to go on to the fifth and final phase. Your own number card is worth three points. Any other kinds you have are all worth one point

Azuki:*thinks*so essentially we're putting the "hunt" in hunter. Interesting

Lady: now will the first person come up and pick out their target

Hisoka goes up to the lady, picks up a card and puts it in his pocket. Everyone else all gets their targets and as it turns out, I'll be hunting one of the triplets

Gon: so what did you get?

Azuki: one of the triplet dudes. He won't be super hard to take down, but he'll most likely all stick together with his brothers which is a pain in the ass

Gon: hmmm

Azuki: what is it?

Killua: he's been like that since he got his card

Azuki: who did you get?

Gon shows me his card. I kick a rock in mild frustration

Azuki: tch, damnit, why couldn't I have gotten someone powerful like that

Killua: probably because you'd get your ass handed to you if you fought him again

Azuki: probably, but still. I want this to be at least a bit interesting, oh well. So who's you get Killua?

Killua: I dunno, some random person

He shows me his card

Azuki: another one of the triplets, looks like we can work together on this one

Killua: yeah, if we find each other

After a bit people are called out one by one and head into the forest

Gon: okay then, I'll see you guys in the 5th phase

Kurapika: take care guys

Leorio: do your best and we'll meet in four days

Killua: see ya

Azuki: yeah, try not to get yourselves killed out there

I start walking out into the forest and immediately some random dude with a knife tries to attack from behind

Guy with a knife: sneak attack!

I dash behind him and stab his back with my dagger

Azuki: you moron, it's not a sneak attack if you yell "sneak attack" really loudly

I take my dagger from his back and take his card

Azuki: idiot I swear

I jump on to a tree branch and turn into a crow before flying off

After about two hours I manage to get 16 points from people running into my floor spike trap (honestly why haven't I used that until now) and I'm now just walking through the forest whistling

Azuki:*thinks* what a bore, I don't even need to use my shovel for this. At least not yet

It's now nighttime and I hear fighting to my left

Misfortune (Hunter x Hunter x female OC)Where stories live. Discover now