the x Butler's x quarters

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"Okay but seriously. Where the fuck is he?" I just wasn't having it with this woman.

"He's in solitary confinement." The lady explained. "Before he ran from home, Killua stabbed his brother and me."

"Yeah, that's what he told us." Kurapika replied

"And because he had regretted what he had done" the lady continued, "our Killua return to us and entered solitary confinement, willingly. In any case, you don't know when him wants to leave." Suddenly, her robo eye started going crazy. "What?! What is happening?! What's re you doing father??" She was either crazy and talking to herself, or that headset of hers has some communication device.

While the woman was talking to herself, I felt a pang of guilt strike me. It was very unfortunate that the girl was shot by that bitch, and I thought back to when I was on that roof. That could've very easily had been one of my friends. However, I then saw the girl move in my peripheral vision , and immediately looked over to see if she was still alive. By this point the robo lazy was gone.

"I will take you to the butler's quarters." She said, barely opening her eyes. It was impressive that she managed to tank a literal gun wound. "There is a phone that connects directly to the mansion. If Master Zeno answers it, then..."

"Who's Master Zeno?" Gon wondered

"Hes Master Killua's grandpa."

So after we help the girl up, we head on over to the Butler's quarters. Oh also, that girl, her name is Canary.

Anyways, we arrive at the damn quarters, I can already tell that stuff is about to get difficult because all of the butlers (and I mean ALL) have a nasty look on their face like we just spat on their shoes.

"Welcome gentlemen and lady." The head Butler greeted us as the rest of the butlers bowed. He then lead us all inside and allowed us to sit on the couch. Treating any of our wounds in the process.

"We apologize from our previous discourtesy." The head Butler started. "I am Gotoh, the head Butler serving under the Zoldyck family.

"This isn't the main residence?" Kurapika asked, looking around.

"No, this is the butler's quarters." Canary clarified

"Please, make yourselves at home" Gotoh said with a warm smile on his face.

"Look," Leorio looked at the man "thanks for the hospitality, but we only came here to see Killua. So, can you take us to him?" Leorio asked, surprisingly, in a respectful and mature manner.

"That won't be necessary sir. Master Killua is on his way at this very moment" Gotoh explained

"Wait, really?" Gon asked

Gotoh nodded. "That is correct, so please be patient."

"You aren't lying to us are you..?" I asked, a little suspicious. "Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your hospitality towards us. Especially given the circumstances. But are you sure Killua is coming?"

Gotoh simply nodded, not showing any signs of being offended at me remarks. "I understand why you'd be suspicious, ma'am. But I assure you that we don't intend to deceive you." He then pushed his glasses back into place. "It would be so tedious to just sit and wait, I propose we passed time with a little game m"

"A game?" Kurapika asked

Suddenly a gold jeni piece appeared in his hand before flipping it, before then bringing his hand together making it look like both caught the coin. "Which hand holds the coin?" He asked, bringing his hands apart.

"The left hand," we all answered correctly. He then opened up his left hand.

"That is correct, now, I'll move it more quickly this time" Gotoh flipped the coin again. "Now, which hand?"

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