Chapter 20

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"Next big thing that happened was Victor Dashkov."

RPOV: (Rose)

I saw Lissa tense at the mention of his name.

"Him got his daughter to rot a bench because we had just comeback from shopping for the Equinox Dance. Her name was Natalie. She was never popular and she was crushing of Ralf. He was an asshole, I don't know how she liked him. Besides the point, when I fell I heard my my ankle break. When we got to the infirmary they said that I only calmed down when Lissa was next to me, but that was because she was healing me. That was how Victor knew she could heal, but he also knew that because his brother, Robert Doru, is a Spirit user, but he is kinda crazy. He knew I was also shadow-kissed, what he didn't know was that Lissa completed the ritual. It is what allows me to have magic. The queen himiliated Lissa at a banquet and she ran off to the church attic. I made Christian follow her because I had guards keeping me from getting in trouble 'cause I broke Mia's nose. Victor's guardians knocked out Christian and kidnapped Lissa while I was in her head. I ran to Dimitri, but Victor gave me a charmed necklace. We told everyone it was an attack charm and it was... just not that way. It was a lust charm." I could she Baba, Mom, and Alberta ready to burst, so I quickly added. "But before anything could happen he ripped of the necklace and crushed it. We got guardians and I lead them to her and Christian snuck into the SUV. Victor took Lissa to a little house in the woods and totured her to heal him. She would have to heal him until she died though. We got there a little after she healed him and she escaped through a window. Christian and I went after her while the Guardians went after Victor. He sent psi hounds after her, almost killed Christian, Lissa healed me. When we got back to the academy Victor was in the jail and wanted to see me. He told me things that I already knew, got Natalie to turn strigoi give me a concussion, and for Dimitri to kill her. She let Victor out, but he didn't get out of campus before he was caught." I paused for a moment to let that sink in. "Any questions so far?"

"Just one." Roman said.


"Who did Natalie use to turn herself."

"She said that draining Ralf would be more fun then letting him take her virginity."

"Okay, you can continue." He said with a disgusted look on his face.

"After that Dimitri confessed that he loved me, but that we couldn't be together 'cause I was his student, 7 years younger, and still a novice. After that I went to my 'qualifier'." I made air quotes with my fingers for qualifier. "We had to go to them because it was a year late to take it and when we got there the entire Badica family that lived there was murdered along woth thee guardians, and a stake in the wards. When we got back to the academy they decided that they were going to go the the ski lodge because some of the families were scared. Long story short Mason took Mia and Eddie to Spokane, I found out from his roommate, I took Christian with me to go get them. We found a tunnel with the first letter of each of the royal families in a list from smallest to biggest. On the way back we got lost, kidnapped by humans, and taken hostage by strigoi. They..." Dimitri grabbed my hand that was in his hair and squeezed reasurring. "They killed him and it was my fault." I said sadly.

"Rosie we already went over this. It wasn't your fault."

"I know, but if I didn't tell you, you couldn't of known."

"And Ii told you that my spirit guide told me that either you or me were going to die. I couldn't just let my sister die, now could I?" When I didn't reply he continued. "Exactly, It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. Continue." I sighed.

"Fine, after he was killed, I killed Isaiah and Elena, the strigoi that held us captive.  The guardians came and we went back to the academy. We went back with Adrian because we had found out that he was also a spirit user. They worked on spirit a little and I was assigned to Christian for field experience. One day Jesse Zelkos and Ralf Sarcozy went up to Liss and asked her if she could compel. Obviously she could, but know one could know that. At the time we didn't know, but they did this think called Mana. It's where they group together, attack royals with their elements to see if they could compel them to stop. I felt it through the bond and I ran there beat up a Ralf and a couple others before everyone ran. Lissa's darkness took over her and she made Jesse see things that weren't actually there. I took it all and the darkness went into me, so I attacked Jesse. It was like I couldn't control my body and I would have killed him if Eddie and Dimitri didn't pull me off of him. Dimitri took me to an old watch post in the woods and tried to came me down. The only thing that got me to stop fighting him was when he said that he loved me. After that I went into suicidal depression and it took hours to get me back to normal. Right after Mason came and told me that the strigoi were coming because the use of magic for violence broke the wards and then after the attack some people were taken. I asked Mason where they were and he told me, he was right. We saved some lives, but at the cost of others' lives. When that happened Kirova told everyone to go home for 2 weeks or go to the ski lodge, so we came her with Dimitri and we have to leave next week."

"Wow, okay a lot can happen in 3 years."


"You forgot 1 thing." Dimitri said looking uo at me.

"Oh yeah, Dimtri and I are soulmates and I'm pregnant with his child."

"How is that possible?" Roman asked.

"When I died my reproductive system was healed, so I can have children with dhampirs and I have magic."

The next day:

I woke up wrapped in the strong arms of my soulmate.

"Good morning, Roza."

"Morning Comrade." I said as I draw lazy circles on his chest. 

"What do you want to do today?"

"I want to see campus."

"Really?" He asked like I wouldn't want to.

"Yeah." I said in a duh voice. "I want to see where you trained."

"Okay, I also want to show you somewhere that is very special to me."

"Can't wait." I said as I leaned up to kiss him. 

We got up, ate breakfast, and spent most of the day going throughout campus while Dimitri told me stories. Towards dinner time I was getting excited because he said he would show me at dinner. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him for like the 50th time.

"For the last time we are almost there, Roza." I was hoping it was somewhere private because other then this morning we haven't been able to hold hands or anything like that.

"Through here."

I was shocked when he opened a hidden door in the middle of the forest on the east side of campus "What is this place." I looked around and it kind of reminder me of the library from Beauty and the Beast. 

"This is where I would come to think about things or come to be alone. Ivan is the only other one to know about this place."

"Well I'm glad you brought me here. It's amazing." I leaned up to kiss him. It was a short sweet kiss, but Dimitri pulled away.

"Follow me." He grabbed my hand and lead me up a couple set of stairs and oh my gosh. It was beautiful. At the took there was this kind of covered area and the view was beautiful.

"The view is beautiful from up here, Comrade." I turned to look at him when I saw a picnic blanket and a basket. "I love it." 



The day after we got to Abe's house in Baia I put Rose down in bed and went back downstairs to find Abe and Janine in the kitchen talking.

"Hey, Abe, Janine. I wanted to talk to you." 

"Sure." Abe replied.

We went into the living room and sat down. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Janine asked once we sat down.

"I wanted your permission..."

A/N: Sorry this took so long. School decided that they wanted to give a ton of homework. Hope you enjoyed. 

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