Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1: Rose POV

I went with Lissa to wait by the gates to wait for the other guardians to bring back those lost in the rescue mission. Some of the  moroi built a campfire and we sat around it waiting for them to come back. When they did I didn't see the body I was dreading to see, Dimitri's.   When I didn't see him I ran up to my mother, Janine Hathaway, and asked her,

"Mom, where is Dimitri?"

She said "He wasn't there." voice sad. It was the most emotion I'd ever seen her have. 

"You don't think... no, he can't be...." I said. All she did was nod and continue walking as I ran the other direction towards the ward of the academy. I could her Lissa screaming after me, but I didn't care I just ran and continued running until I was outside the wards. 

All the ghost surrounded me as I called out to Mason. After I called twice I saw him, he was almost translucent. 

"Mason, is Dimitri dead?" I asked. Mason just shook his head. 

So I asked, "Is he alive...?" Mason nodded his head and I sighed in relief. 

I then thanked him and went back to the safety of the wards with Lissa. She asked me what I was going to do and I said,

"I'm going to leave at sunrise and go back to the caves and find him, Mason said he was alive and I trust him."

I did not expect what she said next, "I'm coming with you." Finality in her voice. 

"No, if you get hur-"

"And if you get hurt, I saw the way you look at him and him you. You love each other, and if he makes you happy that makes me happy. At first I didn't understand how you could fall in love with your mentor, that was 7 years older than you, and 'cheap foreign labor', but then I looked closer and realized that you were always each others equal. So I'm coming with you."

I hugged her so tight I could have killed her. 

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me. Come on I guess I have a lot of explaining to do."

"Yes, you do."

"Meet me in my room in 20 minutes with Christian and Eddie, okay?"


I left to go to the infirmary to see if they had Dimitri, because I had to know if he had come back at all. So, when I go there I talked to the receptionist.

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