Chapter 10

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As soon as she came into the room and ruined our special moment, Rose's smile immediately left her face and she tensed. I squeezed as she was already in my lap and she relaxed a little bit. She rubbed my arm and calmed down a little more. 

"What are you doing sitting in my man's lap?" 

"I am not your man." She acted as though she didn't even here me. Rose stood up and I stood right behind her. 

"Blood whore get away from him."

"Do not speech about or to my daughter like that." Janine said coming to stand next to Rose.

"What? The truth hurts." 

"I have only ever had sex with one man, so shut the hell up and get out!"

"You lying bitch. That is not true. What about Eddie, Adrian, Jesse, Ralf, and like half of the academy boys? Huh?"

"Let me ask you this what insane person has sex with their brother?"

"You! You blood whore!"

"Tasha leave her alone."

"You do not get to talk to me like that." She said not realizing who was talking.

"Actually I do. I am the Dragomir Princess. I can get you thrown in jail."

"Lissa, you are supporting her."

"Of course I am she's my sister and that is Princess Dragomir to you."

"Christian." She said looking at him.

"Tasha I suggest you leave." He said following Lissa next to Rose.

"Oh come on. Are you that insane. She is a reckless, stupid, useless, slutty blood whore."

"Do not talk about my daughter like that or you will have a nice little accident."


"The one and only." 

By now I was next to Rose holding her hand with Lissa holding her other hand and Christian's arm around Lissa. Janine and Abe behind her, Eddie and Mia next to them. Adrian behind me and all the guardians behind us.

"His family will never accept you." She was screaming so loud that the children came. Paul and Zoya both ran to Rose and I. Paul stood in between us and Zoya jumped into Rose's arms and was on her hip.

"I do." Said бабушка, Mama, Karo, Sonya, and Vika coming to stand next to the group.

"You will never be enough for him." Tasha said trying not to look intimated.

"What can you do that I can't?" Rose asked.

"I can use magic and give him children."

"Oh... really?"

"Yes. See" And there was a flame in her hand. Zoya curled into Rose scared.

"What a great mother you would be, scaring little children And I can use magic to."

"Really prove it." Lissa grabbed the flower and handed it to Rose. She made it into a daisy flower crown and said,

"Here you go little one." Handing it to Zoya. She smiled and took it. She give Zoya to Karo and turned back to Tasha.


"Wow... you can make crowns so useful." She said slow clapping. 

"Is this bitch serious?" I ask through the bond that formed after both of us had our first time.

"I think she is." She replied.

"Okay, show me something that you can do." She makes a small flame of fire in hand.

"That's it? Okay, bet." I clear my throat and blow then suddenly there is a fire dragon in the middle of the room. 

"That is so fake."

"Really? Try touching it." When she did she screamed and her had was on fire. She tried blowing it out but it wouldn't so I put out the fire dragon, took the water, showing of my powers more, and put it on her hand.

"What are you?" She asked astonished.

"I am a dhampir. Now get out!" She ran so fast out of the house that she fell outside, but kept running. Lissa and I look at each other and burst out laughing while everyone else looked at us like we were crazy.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that she got so scared when she touched the fire."

"Aren't you scared she is going to tell someone?"

"Who is going to believe some crazy asshole that a dhampir has magic?"

"Good point."

"Oh, and one more thing after Lissa and I both had our first times the bond became 2 ways."

"So how long ago was that?" My mother asks still believing the rumors about me.

"Uh.. about 1 1/2 weeks ago."

"With who?"

"That is none your business." And I could feel a blush coming onto my cheeks.

"I bet it was special."

"It was until after." My face darkened.


"Oh and by the way if/when we have a child we will get a bond not only with each other, but also with the child."

"Will they have...?" I knew he was talking about the darkness.

"No... and we are immortal when we have our first child. They are born immortal."

"Wow, you really did your research."

"Eh... Lissa helped."

Survivor: A Vampire Academy Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang