Chapter 5

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2 Days Later:


We were all in the cafeteria having a breakfast as a happy family, blood-related or not. I also forgave my parents for being absent in my life and I got to know my father. We were supposed to leave today and I am really nerves to met Dimitri's family. Like what if they don't like me or what if they think that he deserves someone better. The list goes on and on and on until the love of my life interrupts my my thoughts. 

"Roza, they are going to love you. Stop worrying." He squeezed my hand and I sighed.

"How do you know that. What if the-." He interrupted my rambling.

"They are going to love you because I love you. Plus, they've already met you and I'm sure Karo and Sonya will remember you. Vika might not because she was 3 when you left, but I'm sure you will get along great. Babushka probably already knows that we are coming to visit."  I just looked at him questioningly.

"My grandmother has visions of the future." 

"You know at this point I don't know what fairytales are real of not. Like vampires, ghosts, witches, what else werewolves." We both laughed at that.

"Oh and since you are going overseas you all need to get passport and sign to paperwork with the alchemists." Alberta said. I groaned then asked'

"Wait... what the hell is that?" 

"An alchemist is humans that help keep our secret... well secret. They do clean ups and make sure that the humans don't find out because if they do they will probably want to turn for immortality of makes us lab rats." She answered.

"Okay." I groaned again. "Do we have to sign paperwork you know how much I hate it." Then she laughed and said,

"But you're so good at it with the amount of times that you've had to do it." Mom looked at us questioningly.

"After the first 5 times you get into trouble you have to start signing paperwork. And-"air quotes-"I have   been in quite a lot of trouble since the age of 5 and even more so 15." Lissa, Eddie, Alberta, most of the guardians there, and I had a good laughed over that memory. Everybody else was just confused. So I explained,

"The day that Lissa and I met our kindergarten teacher partnered us together and told us to write our full names. Of course me being me I didn't want to write our long a** names down, so I got Liss to write Lissa Dragonmir and I wrote Rose Hathaway. She did not like that and tried to get us to write our full names. We didn't." Everyone laughed. "Anyway, she yelled at me and I didn't really care because I knew that I had most of the guardians on my side. Then, when she started yelling at Lissa, Jesse and Ralf were laughing. And thanks to them our teacher sent us all to Kirova. Right after Jesse and Ralf left. I pulled Lissa back into class. The teacher started to yell at us again and when she turned around I chucked a book at her." Then Lissa continued,

"She hit the teacher square in the back of the head with War and Peace. She could barely pick up the book at that age, but she could definitely hit a moving target that's for sure." Now everybody was laughing.

"Ah... the good days." Eddie sighed.

"Later that day Eddie and Mason came up to us and said that they like the show. Ever since then its been the 4 of us." I said sadly.


I squeezed Rose's hand as she got up went over to Lissa and Eddie as they silently cried, leaning on each other, for the loss of their bestfriend. 

"Do you guys want to talk to him before we leave. It has been over forty days, but I pretty sure God can spare us one last day." She joked.

"Sure." Lissa and Eddie said. Rose turned to me.

"Can you come with us?"

"Sure, Roza. Come on let's go." As I stood up Janine asked,

"Where are you guys going?" 

"Roza can see and talk to ghost when she is outside of the wards." And everyone stood up and followed us to the front gates and outside the wards. Lissa, Eddie, and Rose all stood right next to each other with Rose in the middle. All of the guardians surrounding them while also watching with  wonder. 

"Go away! Mason!" Rose yelled.

"Hey." She said after a few moments.


"Hey. " He said, but this was different then the other times this time he was smiling and he was not as faint.

"What happened?" 

"Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"God chose me as your spirit guide. he said that you will need warnings from time to time and since you know and trust me, and the fact that you can see me that I would be the perfect choice." He explained.

"Wait... He gave me a spirit guide."

"Yes. Also you need to stop feeling guilty about my dead I knew it was coming."

"YOU WHAT?!!" I screamed.

"God gave me a spirit guide when we were captured he said that I was going to die soon protecting you. Spirit guide come when you are about to die, but don't worry you are not going to die anytime soon. He decided that since you were going to do such great things that you deserved one. Anyway, I only dated you because I knew about you and Belikov." I was shocked and it must have shown on my face because he said,

"Oh come on, I say the way you to looked at each other. It was so obvious. Heck! Alberta even knew. She just acted shocked because she thought that you'd be mad."

"Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know. Are you going to introduce me to the new faces or not?"

"But they can't see you."

If you concentrate a little harder you can solidify me and everyone can see and hear me." So, I concentrated harder. I knew it worked because I felt arms around me and heard everyone gasp.

"Mason." Eddie, Lissa, and I whispered as we group hugged and cried.

"Mason, this is my father, Abe Mazur and his head guardian and my uncle, Pavel. Baba, Uncle Pavel this is Mason my bestfriend since I was 5."

"Mr. Mazur, Guardian Pavel." Mason said nodding to my uncle.

"Please, call me Abe and him Pavel. You are the man that protected my little girl when I could not and I am grateful for that."

"There is no need to that me it was my pleasure to be in your daughter's life." 

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