Chapter 7

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*In Baia, Russia*


On the way to Baia Rose fell asleep leaning her head on my shoulder. I could tell that what I had said earlier helped to ease her nerves a little bit, but she was still worried that they wouldn't like her.

 When we got to Baia I noticed that noticed that we were in the driveway of the Rose's old house. I smiled as I remembered the memories that we had together even though she didn't remember, I knew that my family would do everything they could to get her back her memories.

I got out of the car and picked Rose up bridal style and asked Abe,

"Does Rose have the same room?"

"Yeah, I had it redone. You remember where it is?"


"Can one of you guys grab our stuff and put it outside of Rose's room."

As I was walking up the stairs Rose started to squirm in my arms. I squeezed her into my chest a little more and she calmed down and cuddled into my chest. I put her down on the left side of the bed after undressing her, and crawled in beside her after I'd undressed as well. After a little while I fell asleep holding my love in my arms.


I fell asleep on the way to Baia hoping that the jet lag wasn't to bad.


I am playing in a house as my 3 year old self waiting for a 10 year old boy that looked shockingly like Dimitri. I would always call him Comrade, Mama Olena said it was my first word and ever since it was what I called him. Mama Olena also said that when mom found out that I was a girl he was so happy that he kissed Mom's belly and said 'I love you'. He was the only one that could stop me from crying as a baby. I loved him, but for some reason I think we shared a love that was more then a family love, I don't know how I know I just do.

Anyway right now he was at school at St. Basil's , I'm waiting by the by the window to see him walking home from the bus stop when a car pulled into the drive way. A strange man walked to the door and kicked it down, I ran to Mama and told her what I saw. She told me to go upstairs in my/Dimitri's room. I heard the strange man say,

"Hi Olena, it's lovely to see you again."

"Randall, what are you doing here?" Randall. I knew that name that was the name of  Karo, Sonya, Dimitri's, and Vika's dad. He continuously raped and hit Mama, and when he was bored he would move on to Karo or Sonya. I know this because I have had an interesting childhood and when I turned 3 the whole family sat down and said that I was very smart for my age. Already able to hit a moving target, speaking Russian, Turkish, and English, and being able to run with no help. 

I ran to the top of the stairs and hid behind the corner. I saw Randall push Mama on the sofa and slap her hard across that face. I didn't know what to do I couldn't go next door to my house because to get to the door I had to get past him and no one else was home. 

I did the first thing that came to mind, as he hit Mama again and she went unconscious. I quietly went to the kitchen and grabbed a large pot to through at him. It hit him square in the face and he stumbled back. Dimitri came running through the door and went after Randall. A/N In the fanfiction Dimitri was 10 when he beat up Randall. I quickly, but quietly ran over to Mama and checked if she was still breathing. Luckily she was, Dimitri punched Randall each time saying what they were for. There were so many things that he had done to harm this family that by the time Dimitri was done Randall fell unconscious and I was hugging Mama on the couch crying.

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